New Caledonia: shark bites sailor’s leg – heart attack, dead! – News abroad


Deadly Shark Encounter in the South Pacific!

In New Caledonia (archipelago about 1,400 km east of Brisbane on the east coast of Australia), an amateur sailor was attacked by a shark and subsequently died.

According to media reports, the amateur sailor anchored his boat off a beach on the island of Maître and went swimming in the sea. As announced by the authorities of the French overseas territory, the animal attacked the 57-year-old man.

A spokesman said: “According to eyewitnesses, the man was bitten on the leg by a four meter long shark.” Consequently, the victim died before the arrival of a rescue helicopter. According to the newspaper “Les Nouvelles-Caledoniennes”, the sailor allegedly died of a heart attack as a result of a shark attack.

Maître Island is about 20 minutes from the main island and is a popular destination. The shark attack occurred a few meters from the beach, which was later cleared.

In 2019, a fisherman in New Caledonia, eastern Australia, was killed by a bull shark, just days after a boy lost a leg in another shark attack.
