New calculation model: more people could be vaccinated at Easter


Status: 02/26/2021 6:04 pm

The vaccination rate in Germany has accelerated recently, but it continues to be criticized for being too low. The Central Institute for Legal Medical Insurance has calculated how it could go faster.

According to the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance, millions of citizens could be vaccinated against Corona much faster if the allowable intervals between the first and second vaccinations were completely exhausted and no more vaccination doses were covered for the second vaccines. This is shown in the institute’s model calculations.

If this were done, there could be more than two million additional first vaccines by Easter. And at the start of the summer vacation in the first countries on June 21, there could be even more than 7.5 million additional first vaccines. According to the model, 58 percent of the population could receive at least one vaccine.

In contrast, with the current vaccination plan, only about 47 percent would get this protection for the summer, he said. In both scenarios, only currently approved BioNTech / Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines were considered, based on previously announced delivery quantities.

Resident physicians must participate

Further enhancement of vaccination capacities is urgently needed, for example through the involvement of resident physicians, said board chair Dominik von Stillfried. This will be even more urgent when more vaccines are approved, in particular the manufacturers Johnson & Johnson and Curevac.

On Wednesday, the central institute calculated that 50,000 of the approximately 75,000 medical practices across the country could administer 20 doses of vaccine each day, rapidly helping to immunize the population with up to five million vaccines per week.
