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Jens Spahn gives hope for a speedy corona vaccine

In an exclusive interview with RTL, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn gives hope for a rapid advance on a coronavirus vaccine. You can see his most important statements here in the video!

Minister of Health: “So fast […] Like never before in the history of mankind! “

Currently, around 2,000 new infections are detected in Germany every day, the Chancellor even fears more than 19,000 in winter – every day! The race for a vaccine is in full swing. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn is giving hope! In the RTL Nachtjournal (Thursday, 00:00 hours) the CDU politician says: Against the corona pandemic there will be “a vaccine as soon as ever in the history of mankind.” If there are no more setbacks, Spahn expects a vaccine “early next year.”

Jens Spahn sees it as the chancellor: we have to air more often, especially in the cold months

Spahn also joined in the demands of Chancellor Angela Merkel. After the Corona summit, she told the Prime Minister that the AHA forms (distance, hygiene, daily mask) had to be expanded to include an “L” for ventilation. Spahn on RTL: “Of course we now have the situation that the recommendation to ventilate makes more sense when we are further in. It is a very simple but also very “effective” weapon against the virus. Ventilating dilutes the aerosols responsible for infections. Ventilation is important in businesses, schools and at home, according to the CDU politician. Spahn should be pleased that the majority of Germans share the government’s view of the new Corona measures.

Jens Spahn offended by protesters

TVNOW Documentaries: Corona and the Aftermath

The corona virus has kept the world in suspense for weeks. On TVNOW you can now find interesting documentation on the development, spread and consequences of the pandemic.

You can find more videos on the topic of coronavirus here
