Networking with “Reichsbürgern”: “lateral thinking” in the sights of protecting the constitution


Growing tendencies toward radicalization and networking with Reich citizens: the “lateral thinking” movement could later RBB-The information becomes a suspect case for the protection of the constitution.

By René Althammer and Olaf Sundermeyer, rbb

After a secretly organized national strategy meeting of Reich citizens and leading members of “lateral thinking” in mid-November in Saalfeld, the protest movement comes under pressure: RBB the president of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Thuringia, Stephan Kramer, sees “sufficient evidence to at least reach a suspicious case.” This classification allows the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to use intelligence services to collect information. According to Kramer, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is now observing across the country that “right-wing extremists, Reich citizens, vaccine opponents and fanciful conspirators” are “taking over” in the “lateral thinking” movement.

Growing trends towards radicalization

Kramer noted that constitutional protection authorities at the federal and state levels now want to arrive at a nationwide evaluation of a classification of the “lateral thinking” movement. A corresponding decision can be expected shortly. From security circles it is said that the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Baden-Württemberg is working intensively on a template with references to how the “lateral thinking” movement – originated in Stuttgart – is directed against the basic democratic order free. The issue will also be discussed at the Thuringia-chaired state interior ministers conference next week, Kramer announced.

He himself recognizes a “solidarity between lateral thinkers, deniers of the pandemic of the crown and citizens of the Reich.” According to his statement, there is a growing trend towards radicalization among the organizers of the “lateral thinkers” demonstrations. This also includes the “networking meeting” between members of the so-called Reich citizen scene and the main organizers of the “lateral thinking” movement on November 15 in Saalfeld, in which around 100 people participated.

Cooperation with the citizens of the Reich

According to an event protocol for this meeting, that the RBB is available, the founder of “lateral thinking”, Michael Ballweg, had introduced the participant Peter Fitzek, a doomed Reich citizen and known throughout the country, in a series with the other initiatives with which “lateral thinking” works: For example, so-called sponsors of the lawsuit, supporters of the disputed movement alert the state, or “parents stand up” who, for example, oppose the mask requirement for school-age children.

As an alternative to the Federal Republic of Germany, whose existence he denies, Fitzek founded a “Kingdom of Germany” years ago: with its own currency, pensions and financial system. He calls himself “King Peter I of Germany”. At the Saalfeld meeting he reported that he had not paid taxes for 15 years. It offers “lateral thinkers” the opportunity to establish companies in their “kingdom” and open accounts with their own bank. Since 2012 he has been observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Saxony-Anhalt, where he founded his “Kingdom of Germany”.

This meeting has caused discomfort within the “lateral thinking” movement. One of the participants said in an interview with the RBB When asked what Ballweg was aiming for: “Behind this lies the will and aim to lead the ‘lateral thinkers’ into the army of the Reich citizens, or into the arms of the ‘Kingdom of Germany.’

“That’s what we need you for!”

Until this meeting, however, he had assumed that Ballweg was about to question the measures and regulations in the Corona crisis. Two days after the large-scale demonstration in Leipzig, I had received a confidential invitation by email from “lateral thinking-711” in Stuttgart: It says: “Do not talk about this meeting and our new ideas in your environment.” You have “found a ray of hope” and “let yourself be informed”. The next step is the “careful examination of this path.” And also: “We need you for that!”

Ballweg: “We are not citizens of the Reich”

At the meeting, Fitzek was the only speaker, other than Ballweg, to outline his path, which he calls the “new Germany”: “I make my own laws, I can fully administer myself, I have my own jurisdiction and my own police force, the new German Guard “. And further: “Everyone who enters my legal circle, my laws apply to him, the laws of the FRG lose their validity there.” It is about “leaving the old system and building a new system that works independently of the old one,” Fitzek explains his “offer” to “lateral thinkers”, as Ballweg had previously called this idea.

Faced with the content of this event, which he himself announced as a strategy meeting, Ballweg responded to the request with a prepared statement that he reads from the newspaper: “We are not Reichsbürge”, whatever that is. We are citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany. they want fundamental rights restored. And I don’t know why they are talking about cooperation. “
