Netflix Replenishment Finally: These Series Hits Begin In May


Finally, binge supplies again! Due to the current situation, few companies worldwide enjoy success and growth as big as streaming service providers Netflix and company. Netflix it has now announced what subscribers can expect next month.

Series addicts will get their money’s worth in May as six new formats will be released Netflix at first, as the portal has now been made public. The historical drama miniseries “Hollywood”, which tells the story of a group of aspiring filmmakers who want to make a breakthrough after World War II, begins May 1. Soon after comes “Valeria”, a romantic series about an author with writer’s block. The French musical miniseries “The Eddy” should also be interesting. A Parisian jazz club in the heart of the French metropolis is in danger.

Fans of the documentary series will get their money’s worth, too: On May 11, the “Media Legal Proceedings” program will begin, showing how the media has influenced the trials of various processes. Lovers of action and crime thrillers will enjoy it too. 24th Netflix “Rugal” is available, a series of South Korean crimes against a police officer who wants to topple a criminal organization nationwide. Hollywood star Steve Carell (57) will begin to tighten the laughing muscles of streaming users starting May 29. His comedy series “Space Force” talks about establishing a space army as a new armed force for the US Army. USA – and therefore is appropriately addressed to the current President of the United States, Donald Trump (73).


Series production design.


Production design for the series “Hollywood”
Production design for the Netflix series.


Production design for the Netflix series “Valeria”
Series production design.

Lou Faulon / Netflix

Production design for the series “The Eddy”
Steve Carell in the comedy series

Aaron Epstein / Netflix

Steve Carell in the comedy series “Space Force”

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