Neo-Nazis did their dirty work for “lateral thinking”


Organizers reject allegations that they were responsible for the escalation of violence on Saturday. But at the Leipzig demonstration, neo-Nazis fought the police at the front. The supposedly apolitical participants even find it good.

Gisela M. is the president of an association that helps children, an activist for animal rights and a critic of the measures of the crown. On Sunday, he posted a photo of the Leipzig “side thinker” rally on Instagram with the hashtags “#Freiheit #Frieden #Liebe”. In a Telegram group he wrote: “People in black made it possible for us to start running.” By “people in black” he means: hooligans and neo-Nazis.

“Side Thinkers” Praise Right-Wing Extremists

The animal rights activist is not called Gisela M. Her real name doesn’t matter, it’s just supposed to be an example that she doesn’t have to be wrong if “side thinkers” reject the accusation that they are right-wing extremists . Founder Michael Ballweg is even outraged that “a peaceful movement from the center of society is unjustifiably criminalized and stigmatized.” This corresponds to the self-image of many protesters, posing as peace drummers with henna in their hair and balloons or candles in their hands.

Photo series with 18 images

However, apparently many participants gladly accepted that the hooligans and right-wing extremists would do their dirty work for them. In the Telegram group, in which Gisela M. also published, a nurse wrote, for example: “Without our hooligans, our youth, the walk would not have happened.” The demonstration in the city center of Leipzig, longed for by “lateral thinkers”, was only possible because the police, under increasing pressure, cleared the way. Although the elevator, unlike the previous big meeting, had been banned by the Bautzen High Administrative Court.

Party officials warmed up

In the front row of the confrontation with the police there were known neo-Nazis throughout Germany. There is video material showing officials of the “Los Derechos” party that constitutional protection attests to an “ideological affinity with historic National Socialism.” Management Sven Skoda and Michael Brück stood with microphones in front of police barriers and warmed up their masked colleagues.

Forbidden comrades are organized at the party. Many of the officials have criminal records and are known to be violent. At the national level, the micro-party repeatedly caused a sensation: Dortmund city council asked to know how many people of Jewish faith live in the city. There she was represented, among others, by neo-Nazi veteran Siegfried Borchardt, known as “SS-Siggi” for his tattoos.

Cuffs, bottles, pyrotechnics

They were mostly right-wing extremists like this which allowed the “lateral thinkers” to march through. Because not only “Dierechte” had mobilized to Leipzig. The NPD and “Third Way” also promoted the event and were there. A similar attraction for the violent far-right scene, in addition to the Berlin “Querdenker” demonstration in August, was only the AfD’s so-called “silent march” in Chemnitz.

The ban on the demonstration in Leipzig did not prevent “lateral thinking” from directing the protesters from the recently dissolved assembly in the right direction. They have “heard that many meeting participants are walking towards the downtown ring,” posted “lateral thinking” on their channels. And the spokesman for the “lateral thinking” of Erfurt, Arno Niederländer, invited to the ring “at his own risk” by megaphone. “We don’t need endless talks on any stage.”

The man had already noticed: at a rally in Schmalkalden, the Dutch had asked “not to demonstrate in front of town halls and district offices, but to finally come in and take out the criminals.” Ballweg declared at the same time: “Lateral thinking” “will always proceed peacefully, freely and without violence.”

Neo-Nazis, with whom the alliance allegedly wants nothing to do with, were largely responsible for the march. Because when the police barriers to the march came to an end, not only, but above all, they attacked the policemen in the front row with fists, bottles and fireworks, while behind them they pushed people like the activist for the welfare of children Gisela M. After hours when the now almost typical specter of esotericists and conspiracy ideologues in Leipzig dominated the landscape and NPD groups, for example, were not particularly notable, organized extremist groups now had their appearance. They had lost their patience.

NPD right in the middle: Former Federal President and MEP Udo Voigt on the outskirts of Leipzig NPD in the center: Former Federal President and MEP Udo Voigt on the sidelines of the Leipzig “lateral thinking” rally. The image was broadcast on a Telegram channel “against the madness of the crown.” “Lateral thinking” lawyer Ralf Ludwig found NPD involvement good: it can bring it back to the center of society, “he said Sunday.

Perhaps this is most clearly shown in the video summary of an official of the neo-Nazi party “The Right”: “With peace dances and pictures of hearts you are definitely not going to stop the FRG regime and Crown regulations,” he said. Saturday’s events are heading in the right direction. “But the esoteric touch as well as the pacifist are nothing that changes anything in this system.” For Gisela M. and her colleagues, neo-Nazi violence is apparently acceptable.
