Near Vienna: 38 migrants rescued from refrigerated trucks


meIn the last minute, 38 migrants in Austria were able to free themselves from a refrigerated truck. According to the police, the truck came from Turkey and had no ventilation.

In Austria, at least 38 migrants were able to escape from a refrigerated truck after calling out loud for attention. As police reported, people from Syria, Iraq and Turkey brought to Austria by smugglers were in poor health. The incident occurred about a week ago, but has only now become known.

According to officials, the refrigerated truck had no ventilation. According to police, those affected reported fear of death and lack of oxygen while driving. Numerous people fainted at times, one person collapsed. They managed to attract attention with such force that the truck stopped briefly.

Refugees got into the truck through the hatch

At the Bruck an der Leitha police station near Vienna, several calls had been received that a truck had been parked at a motorway exit and that many people had gotten out of it and fled to the surrounding fields. With helicopters and several police patrols, 38 people were arrested. A 51-year-old Turkish citizen, an alleged truck driver, was also provisionally detained during the operation.

When interviewing witnesses, the refugees stated, according to the police, that they had come from Turkey to Romania via various smuggling routes. From there, they got into the trailer through a hatch to continue their journey with the truck.

The migrants apparently paid up to 8,000 euros

According to witnesses, there were a total of 43 people, including six underage children, in the refrigerated trailer. People paid between 6,000 and 8,000 euros to smugglers, reports “Der Standard”. The incident recalls a similar situation with 71 deaths in 2015 very close.

Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz recently called on the EU to constantly protect its external borders and fight human trafficking gangs. “If Europe protects its borders, it will mean that fewer people will set out, fewer people will drown and we will crush the smugglers’ business model than if the culture of welcome is said to apply,” Kurz said.

NDR Info reported on this issue on September 16, 2020 at 6:15 pm
