Nails, screws, gunpowder: police find explosive device in Zug in Cologne


Germany may have narrowly escaped a terrorist attack. In Cologne, the police found an object full of nails, screws and black powder on a train. It is not yet clear if it is an explosive bomb.

Police discovered a “possible explosive device” on a train parked in Cologne. The discovery was made on a train at Deutzer Feld station, a purely operational station where passengers do not get on and off. They had cordoned off extensively, police said. The area will be searched for possible other suspicious objects, a police spokesman for ntv said.

At first, the police spoke of a suspicious item. It later turned out to be full of nails, screws, and black powder like something out of New Year’s Eve. A police spokesman said at the request of the German press agency whether it could have exploded, but it is still being investigated. Therefore, it is premature to speak of a bomb.

According to the police, the fund is completely open. Both a terrorist attack and an extortion attempt cannot be ruled out, the daily “Bild” reported. Police are looking for witnesses who noticed something suspicious yesterday on the regional train from Gummersbach to Cologne. It is not yet clear when the suspected explosive device was deposited on the train.
