MV Corona summit interrupted after five hours | – news


Status: 03/26/2021 10:31 pm

Until late at night, the state government discussed changes to the Crown’s rules with representatives of municipalities, social associations and companies on Friday. Then the video conference was postponed to Saturday.

Once again, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) failed to finish discussions at the MV summit on possible new crown rules in one day. As happened three weeks ago, the deliberations were postponed. The main theme of the summit is how the third wave can be broken. Containment of the British mutation, which is believed to be significantly more contagious, dangerous and deadly than the parent virus, plays a role in this. But help for those industries that are particularly affected by the shutdown should also be discussed. Above all, calls from the tourism industry had gotten much stronger recently, especially in view of the 44 million euro loan for MV shipyards which was decided on Thursday.

No relief until Easter

Ludwigslust Parchim district, for example, is a high-risk area with an incidence of more than 150. About 80 percent of all cases are due to the British mutant, according to district administrator Stefan Sternberg (SPD). Therefore, all relaxation will be off the table at Easter. Hotels, restaurants or cafes will be closed. Even state leader Rostock threatens to exceed the incidence threshold of 50 for the foreseeable future. Doctors warn of an overload of the health system. Schwerin Mayor Rico Badenschier (SPD) also spoke out against a relaxation of existing regulations for the crown traffic light and other openings. “We must stick to the agreed rules and not change them over and over again to serve certain interests,” Badenschier said. The strategy of allowing initial steps with rapid and unsystematic citizen testing is “highly dangerous and clearly wrong.” The director of DGB-Nord, Ingo Schlueter, also spoke out against loosening.

After Easter: vacancies in model regions?

After Easter, there should be more joy in experiencing, CDU parliamentary group leader Wolfgang Waldmüller said Thursday in the state parliament. Prime Minister Schwesig considered model projects in certain regions with few cases, for example in Rostock. It would be conceivable that outdoor catering could be opened there. The head of government relied mainly on rapid tests, but also on more vaccines. Currently, however, MV ranks second to last in vaccination statistics in a national comparison.

IHK: All MV as a model region for openings

The three chambers of industry and commerce of the country also asked for clear concepts and opening strategies after the Easter weekend. Among other things, the chambers want the whole of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to become a model region. The model should be the city of Rostock, where, for example, the Volkstheater reopens with a test strategy. Retail, catering and hospitality should all benefit from this. If Saarland can do that, then Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania can do even more, Rostock Chamber of Commerce president Klaus-Jürgen Strupp said. For incoming tourists, it brought into play large test centers in freeway parking lots. The prime minister had promised them a special MV path, which they would now demand, claimed the three house presidents who met in Schwerin prior to the MV summit.

Additional Information

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 03/26/2021 | 17:00 hours

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