Mutated form of corona virus: Denmark wants to unearth dead minks again – international news


The mink drama in Denmark continues!

Worried about rotting gases in the ground, the Danish government will likely have millions of dead minks reburied. The corpses should be cremated now.

Agriculture Minister Rasmus Prehn spoke in favor of the idea on TV2. He said such a move would need approval from the Danish Environment Agency. However, the idea has already been debated in parliament. There he has the support of the majority.

The Danes want to dig up the dead animals again!

Ein Zuchtnerz kurz vor der KeulungPhoto: Mads Claus Rasmussen / AP Photo / dpa

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A brood mink just before slaughter.Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen / AP Photo / dpa

The government had ordered the slaughter of all minks in the country due to a mutated form of the coronavirus. According to the latest figures, around ten million minks have already been killed and buried. The government now fears that the decomposition process could release large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen into the soil.

A few days ago, the carcasses of fur animals were driven to the surface of the earth due to rotting gases in a makeshift mass grave that was created at a military site.

In early November, a mutated form of Sars-CoV-2 was discovered that could be transmitted to humans on breeding farms in North Jutland.

Therefore, there was a risk that the “Cluster 5” mutation could render future vaccines ineffective. The government is now assuming that “group 5” could be “eradicated” again.

In the course of the massacre, the then Minister of Agriculture, Mogens Jensen, resigned. He had previously admitted that the slaughter of all minks in the country, including healthy animals, was illegally ordered.
