Munich: rape with wolf mask: man is said to have targeted girls specifically


The trial of the man who allegedly raped a girl disguised in a wolf mask has started before the Munich I Regional Court. According to prosecutors, the defendant may have targeted the victim.

As the prosecution says, it is said that he observed and photographed the eleven-year-old boy on the S-Bahn prior to the event in June 2019. The prosecution assumes that he left that day with the intention of abusing the girl and that he also carried the wolf mask for that purpose.

The lawyer for the now 45-year-old man admitted in court that his client had observed and photographed the girl in advance, but denied the intention to act. The decision to rape the girl was made spontaneously. “There was a certain back and forth: should I? Should not?”

Otherwise, the defendant largely admitted the allegations through his attorney. “You can’t make up for what happened with an apology. But he would like, as far as possible, to sincerely apologize. “

The man is said to have dragged the girl into a bush in Munich’s Obergiesing district and she was severely sexually abused there. According to the prosecution, he threatened to kill the girl and her parents if she called the police. Investigators later found the wolf mask in a garbage can near their home after the defendant told them where to look.

The case also raises the question of the rehabilitation of sex offenders. The man was in the relaxed prison system: He has multiple criminal records for child sexual abuse.

Mann lived in a psychiatric hospital for a few years.

Before the crime, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a few years and, more recently, he lived in a therapeutic residential community. This so-called trial life was a stage of relaxation in the penal system. He was allowed to drive unaccompanied from his assisted living community to his place of work.

In this way, he admitted immediately after the fact, he fell on the boy. “The cause of how this happened must be critically questioned,” said his attorney Adam Ahmed. »What control measures existed? What technical discussions were there? “

Since the act, the defendant has returned to the closed room of a psychiatric clinic.

Icon: The mirror
