Munich / Corona-News: New measures on hotspot: main event canceled on short notice


In Munich, a nationwide corona warning level was again exceeded. As a result, new measures were announced. We will keep you updated on our news ticker.

  • The state capital, Munich, has been officially listed as a Corona hotspot again since Monday morning (October 12).
  • Wide-ranging measures will be followed as the pandemic unfolds.
  • This news ticker is continually updated.

Update October 13, 3:27 pm: Because yesterday Monday we were in Munich 104 new Coronavirus cases approved. the 7-day incidence The LGL data is also 53.70.

Update October 13, 1:24 pm: In the fight against the deterioration Crown-Krise are in the opinion of the Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder the next four weeks will be decisive for Germany. “We have to slow down Corona now before we have to make a real emergency stop,” said the CSU-Chef on Tuesday after a meeting of the state government in Munich.

Update October 13, 10:54 am.: Due to the Pandemic development in the Isar metropolis has the Munich exhibition the Real Expo cancelled. Always more Assistants Y Speakers apparently had his visit to the largest in Europe Immobilienmesse cancelled. The Royal Expo should have taken place tomorrow and the day after.

Crown crisis: Messe München cancels Expo Real

Plans to hold the meeting digitally are scrapped. General Director of the fair Klaus Dittrich He spoke of a difficult decision, but in his opinion the concept under discussion “would not have become a meeting point for the real estate sector and therefore would not meet its own requirements.”

Update October 13, 10.17 am: In a Press conference in Munich becomes Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder Also comment on the situation of Corona in the Isar metropolis. We accompany the declaration in the live ticker.

Update October 13, 8.55 am: Of the Incidence value by Munich has gone up more compared to yesterday. This is currently loud Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 53.7. However, the calculation is still based on one that is too low. population instead of.

Munich crown: incidence value greater than 50 – the city is officially a risk zone

2.34 pm: That after RKI– The announcement was already known in the morning, city now communicated again. Actually in Munich of the Warning value 50 in terms of things Incidence easily overcome. A total of 54 new ones were added for Sunday yesterday Coronavirus cases approved.

1:22 pm: It is now officially confirmed that the Crown rules to be reinforced again in the state capital.

Munich: Reiter-Stab decides crown measurements

To those already mentioned Innovations (Update 11.15 am) the following is added: The Staff for Exceptional Events (SAE) under the direction of the Lord Mayor Dieter reiter has decided Mask requirement in the Pedestrian zone (from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., inclusive Schützenstraße, Stachus Y Marienplatz just like him Sendlinger Strasse With Sendlinger Tor Square) and in the Viktualienmarkt put into effect again.

Furthermore, as in the previous weekends, from Friday afternoon until sunday morning Alcohol ban for out-of-home sales starting at 9 p.m. and on consumption in public space from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next day at known access points (Baldeplatz, Gärtnerplatz, Gerner Bridge, Wedekindplatz just like him Isarau Between Reichenbach Bridge Y Wittelsbacher Bridge).

Munich again Corona hotspot: these rules apply from Wednesday

  • Prohibition of serving alcohol in restaurants (from 10pm)
  • Mask requirement in the pedestrian zone and on the Viktualienmarkt (from 9 am to 11 pm)
  • Meetings in private and public spaces only for up to five people / own household / family in a straight line
  • The number of participants for events is limited to 25 (indoor) or 50 (outdoor)
  • Prohibition of sale and consumption of alcohol at night in urban access points (Friday night to Sunday morning)

Corona Munich: alcohol ban is coming, that applies to celebrations

Update October 12, 11:15 am: Now far-reaching measures are looming. In the state capital is a No alcohol in Restaurants scheduled from 10 pm, an official Curfew obviously not. During the pre-tightening, the Alcohol consumption It has already been restricted, the pubs have not yet been affected.

validity You should have the new regulation as of Wednesday (midnight). One official opinion of the city council was initially absent.

furthermore, the Number of participants In private Celebrate go back to 50 (before 100) and Group sizes in public spaces it can again be limited to 5 people (previously 10).

Munich: passengers and authorities advise on crown rules

Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) discussed with those involved Monday morning Authorities. An official statement is expected later in the day.

Corona Munich: incidence value greater than 50 – Isar metropolis “hotspot” again

Source message:

Munich – the city Munich has in the Corona-Pandemie again the important Warning level exceeded 50 new infections per 100,000 population in seven days.

From the information of the Robert Koch Institute As of Monday morning (Oct 12), the value is 50.6 (data status Oct 12, 0.00am). The districts of Regen and Fürstenfeldbruck, as well as the cities of Memmingen and Rosenheim in Bavaria currently exceed the critical value.

Since the beginning of the Crown-Krise have the Health authorities according to the RKI in the state capital, Munich, a total of 12,592 verified Infections with the virus SARS-CoV-2 reported.

Munich crowns hotspot again: limit exceeded – these rules currently apply

Munich already had the CrownWarning value exceeded and tight as a result Crown rules implemented. Depending on the city, stay until Thursday. Get together Only allowed in public and private spaces as well as in restaurants in groups of a maximum of ten people.

TO Events inside, like Wedding or birthday, It is one Upper limit of 25 participants. In the course of Squeeze in was that too Alcohol consumption been restricted. (lks) Prime Minister South meanwhile, he has given a crown forecast for the next few months on television.

Rubric List List: © Tobias Hase / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk
