Munich: Corona demonstration planned at Odeonsplatz – police expect explosive guest list


The police are preparing for a large-scale operation in Munich. A demonstration of the wreath will take place at Odeonsplatz, for which there is already mobilization at the national level.

  • A large crown demonstration is planned for September 12 at Odeonsplatz in Munich *.
  • The organizers had recently made headlines with a rally in Berlin.
  • The police and KVR are preparing for an awkward mission. The first demonstration at Odeonsplatz has already taken place, with 150 participants. (see update of September 7 at 8:19 pm)

Update September 7, 2020, 8:19 pm: The organizers of the controversial Berlin rally now I want to do a demonstration in Munich. For next Saturday, the association “lateral thought 089” has registered an event with 5000 participants. The rally bears the title “Peace, freedom and health” and should take place at Odeonsplatz. Verifications from the district administration department (KVR).

“We are in Coordination meetings“Says a spokesperson. If the demonstration will be allowed, it is open.” Several places have been discussed as part of this cooperation. A decision is still pending. “In addition, a demonstration was also registered for September 12, in this case with 500 people participating. The KVR has yet to decide on this.

In Berlin, several participants in the demonstration waved Reich flags on the steps of the Reichstag building. Among the participants were apparently several conspiratorial ideologues, right-wing extremists, and crown deniers. “The events of the rallies in Berlin are included in the risk forecast”says the KVR spokesperson. In addition to the police, it is also in contact with the specialized office on democracy, against right-wing extremism, racism and misanthropy. A demonstration took place on Monday afternoon. with Corona reference in the Odeonsplatz instead of about 150 participants spoke against the mask requirement in Bavarian schools. – S. Karowski

Controversial Crown Demonstration Is Looming: When You Look At The “Guest List” Munich Police Sound The Alarms

Message of September 7, 2020, 9 am: Munich – Will Munich be the setting for a memorable one? Crown-Demo? For Saturday (September 12) the association “Think outside the box 089” a meeting in Munich Registered. Under the motto “Peace, freedom and health”, in Odeonsplatz be demonstrated. Reports are already being mobilized nationwide in chat groups Southgerman’s newspaper.

Munich: Corona demonstration planned at Odeonsplatz – rally in Berlin intensified recently

In Sedan had “lateral thinking” in late August for a large protest march against the Hygiene’s norm of the federal government during the corona pandemic *. too Conspiracy theorists, Reich Citizen and known Right-wing extremists mixed with the participants, and the Bavarian police officers were also on the scene.

That a mob had tried that Reichstag The assault dominated the headlines for days. 316 people were arrested during the protests, some of them violent and 33 officers were injured, Berlin police reported.

the District Administration Department Munich (KVR) confirmed the Süddeutsche Zeitungthat a rally with 5000 people had been registered for September 12 starting at 12 noon. Also, be a Demo train planned with 500 participants. A decision on the permit has yet to be made, a KVR spokesperson said, but the events in Berlin were part of a “Risk forecast”. You are in a continuous exchange with him organizer.

Corona Demonstration in Munich: KVR and Police Expect “Explosive Mix”

Representatives of right-wing extremist groups from Munich and across Bavaria also participated in the demonstration in Berlin. Among other members of Pegida Munich and the party “The third way” had been sighted. Already in the capital, they would have announced the next rally in the metropolis of Isar.

The police answer the demonstration call, which is also available on the website. it spread, seriously. Findings from State protection and defense of the constitution be part of Resource planningsaid a spokesperson. * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.
