Müller in Berlin report: “Infection risks are now minimized”


The ruling mayor of Berlin assumes that the number of new infections will decrease with Corona’s resolutions. Müller justifies the fact that schools, kindergartens and retail stores do not have to close until Wednesday with a necessary transition period.

The federal and state governments have decided on a tough shutdown. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller has argued that this will not apply early next week, but only as of Wednesday. The SPD politician said that families and businesses should receive a transition period Report from Berlin.

“We want to give families and single parents the opportunity to regulate their family situation,” Müller said. Parents should have the opportunity to organize the care of their children. “And you have to allow a day or two of transition,” Müller said.

This also applies to retailers, who must prepare for many stores to close. “Retailers have adapted to the Christmas business, livelihoods depend on them, and you have to take it seriously,” said Müller, who is currently chairing the Prime Minister’s Conference.

Do not trace the infection process

Müller justified the decision to close the stores with the diffuse infection process. Currently it is no longer possible to say exactly where the infections come from. “There is practically no area of ​​life in which we do not see infection dynamics and contagion possibilities,” Müller said.

Therefore, areas that currently do not present a particular risk of infection should be closed. It must be possible to reduce incidents at the national level to alleviate the health system. Closing schools and stores also eased local public transportation. “The risks of infection are now significantly minimized with our resolutions,” Müller said.

“We have a long way to go”

Müller contradicted the charge that the hard block came too late in general. People have reacted time and again to the discoveries of science and used them as the basis of advice for the respective decisive measures. But it was always checked whether, despite everything, “a little normalcy was still possible,” Müller said. “Now we notice that it doesn’t work, and then we act.”

Criticisms of the FDP

The FDP expressed criticism of the resolutions. In view of the impending shutdown, FDP leader Christian Lindner warned of “enormous social and economic damage that would ultimately overwhelm even the strongest economy.”

Lindner criticized that there was still no long-term strategy to fight the pandemic. The new resolutions are also just one expression of a “stop and go” policy in which lockdowns and loosening are constantly alternated. “We have doubts about the long-term effectiveness,” says Lindner.

Next summit crown on January 5

On January 5, the federal and state governments will meet again to discuss how to proceed. The mayor of Berlin does not want to make statements for the time that follows. “Of course, it all depends on the numbers, and we are all aware that we have a long way to go,” Müller said.
