Mülheim: MEG ++ warehouse fire catches fire Residents complain of stench



Mülheim: MEG ++ warehouse fire catches fire Residents complain of stench

A fire broke out at Mülheimer Entsorgungsgesellschaft mbH on Friday night.

A fire broke out at Mülheimer Entsorgungsgesellschaft mbH on Friday night.


Mulheim For reasons of the waste disposal company (MEG) in Mulheim A warehouse is on fire.

No one was injured, the fire department Mulheim Try to control the fire on the pilgrim’s path.

Mülheim: MEG’s warehouse is on fire

According to a fire department spokesman, there was no one in the building when it exploded on Friday night. The fire department arrived around 8:30 p.m.

Meanwhile, numerous forces are on site and fighting the flames. The mission should last until late at night.

Until the fire is extinguished, there may be smells in various parts of the city in southern Mülheim. According to the fire department, residents already noticed an unpleasant odor.

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The cause of the fire is unclear

The fire department spokesman could not say anything about the cause of the fire. (no)
