Mud battle between Hoeneß and Zahavi


FC Bayern likes to call themselves a big family. But family peace on Säbener Strasse has been seriously disturbed. This is mainly due to the declarations of the patriarch for a long time.

Verbal Poison Arrows, Honorary President Uli Hoeneß in CHECK24 double pass Shot in the direction of advisers Pini Zahavi and George Alaba, David Alaba also hit.

“I would like my contractual situation not to be clarified in public. That is why some statements and reports in recent weeks have surprised me and also hurt me, ”said Alaba. image. “A lot of the things that are being written and said right now are just not correct or true.”

Contract negotiations between Bayern and Alaba have been going on for months, an agreement is currently not in sight. And now the blessing of the house is still wrong.

Alaba’s fan-favorite image is streaked

“In a family, you may have a different opinion, you could argue, but it always stays within the family,” Alaba said. “I’ll keep paying attention to that too.”

The 28-year-old had long been held back in the debate about his future. On Instagram, Alaba recently only posted a photo of how he relaxed, sitting in a folding chair, enjoying Sunday. Harmless social media content. But most of the comments from his followers showed a clear trend.

Many users accuse the Austrian of greed for money. Even the departure of the long-time service provider appears to be manageable for many Bayern fans.

Alaba has become the absolute leader in the last triple season. Coach Hansi Flick promoted the left back to head of defense. “He has performed very well in recent months and has become a leading player. It is important that we have players who shape the team and give strong orders on the field. He is there,” emphasized Flick im SPORT1-Interview in August.

With the exception of a one-year loan to TSG Hoffenheim, Alaba has been wearing the Bayern jersey for twelve years, “and I did it every day with dedication, pride and passion, and I still do,” said Alaba. “This club is not just any club for me, it is home, family and home.”

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But the fan-favorite’s image has apparently been scratched at the latest after Hoeneß’s revived mud battle.

Zahavi and Alaba strike back at Hoeness

After Hoeneß Alaba’s advisor Pini Zahavi on Sunday SPORT1 as “greedy piranha,” replied the Israeli and Alaba’s father, George.

“I did not expect FC Bayern to spread dirty lies about wage and commission claims in public,” said George Alaba. Heaven. “Claiming that we cannot agree on such payment when we sign the contract is one of those dirty accusations.”

According to Zahavi, “he never spoke in detail about any commission payments with those responsible for Bavaria.”

In stalled contract conversations, how do you SPORT1 reported – on the sidelines of the Champions League tournament in Lisbon, Zahavi traveled to the Bayern team hotel to talk the day before the 8-2 gala against FC Barcelona.

Hoeneß: “What rubbish the consultant said”

The issue of commission payments is said to have come up for the first time. “Hasan Salihamidzic asked me there (FCB sports director, editor’s note)how I would like, “said Zahavi.” I told him that we should work on an agreement with the player first, but I wouldn’t ask for more than usual. “

Hoeneß became apparent on Sunday in the address of the celebrated 77-year-old, who also represents the interests of Robert Lewandowski.

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“What the consultant says about a rubbish is crazy”, Hoeneß was angry at the One two. “If you knew what Mr. Zahavi is asking for himself in the double-digit million range just from David’s signature, that’s not possible at all. He said that after Corona football will be much better. He will be surprised. I understand Hasan got into a full fight in a meeting. “

Bavaria wants to keep Alaba as a role model

Alaba is the last player to date to make the leap from Bayern youth to professionalism and has established himself there permanently. That is why Bayern also wants to maintain the figure of identification.

Hoeneß also confirmed it. “Everyone wants him to stay with us, he’s a great player,” the former Bayern president enthused. “I hope that David and his father understand that a four or five year contract with FC Bayern is the best for them and that they fit into our salary structure. Then everyone would be happy. The last millions that are involved will not make him any happier. but it would mess up our pay structure. “

Complicated Contract Poker

Alaba’s current working document runs until 2021. While the player’s side is supposed to demand a five-year contract with an annual salary of 25 million euros, Bayern initially offered the defensive boss a new contract with a term of four years and 7.5 million euros net per year. According to image The club is said to have improved somewhat and is now offering € 11 million annually plus € 6 million in bonuses.

So the ideas of the two parties are still far apart. And they are at a level that, in times of wage waivers and cut-time work, provides only limited understanding among many fans.

In any case, Alaba would like “very much that we find a solution as soon as possible so that the club, those responsible, my teammates, but also the fans know where they stand.”

According to Hoeneß, Alaba’s father, who acted as his son’s longtime advisor, was left “heavily influenced” by Zahavi in ​​the growing poker contract.

Therefore, Hoeneß hopes that “in the end, David will prevail.” But the question remains one way or another: at what price?
