Motion for a resolution for Wednesday: countries want to extend the lockdown – exceptions at Christmas and ban on firecrackers


The federal states are ready to extend the partial lockdown in the top round with Chancellor Merkel on Wednesday. The measures should apply until December 20 and possibly beyond. There should be exceptions for Christmas. New Year’s Eve should be celebrated differently this year.

The countries want to extend the partial lockdown until December 20 and possibly beyond. This is clear from the resolution proposed by the president of the Prime Minister’s Conference, the ruling mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, to the other state leaders for the maximum round with Chancellor Merkel next Wednesday. In the work available for ntv, it says: If on December 20 the incidence of 7 days is not less than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the measures must be extended for 14 days “until the objective of significantly reducing the value of the incidence. is achieved “. Countries with an incidence of less than 35 before December 20 will have the opportunity to end the partial blockade earlier and relax measures.

However, the federal states filing provides for exceptions to the strict contact restrictions during the Christmas holidays, possibly also during New Year’s Eve. The newspaper says: “With these regulations, Christmas should also be possible in this special year as a celebration with family and friends, albeit on a smaller scale. Because these days are especially important for family and social cohesion.”

Specifically, the “maximum number of people for meetings inside and outside” will be expanded. Then, “a household with non-household members or non-household members up to a maximum of 5 persons in total” should be allowed to meet. In the motion for a resolution, number 5 is followed by number 10 in brackets. This means that this still needs to be discussed. The period of these exceptions is also marked with square brackets. They are initially scheduled from December 21 to 27, but possibly also until January 3. Therefore, smaller New Years Eve celebrations would be possible.

According to the will of the federal states, the New Year celebrations will take place without fireworks. The reason given is that this should relieve emergency services and auxiliary workers and not unnecessarily burden the capacities of the health system. This also helps avoid larger groups on New Years Eve.

In principle, the federal states adhere to keeping schools open. In regions with an incidence of more than 50, however, the mask requirement is being introduced in the class starting in the seventh grade. Other measures, such as teaching in the hybrid model between face-to-face education and home schooling, need to be regulated by country. The quarantine rules for cases of infection in the classes are also new: all students and teachers must be isolated for five days. A rapid antigen test should then be possible to be able to resume classroom teaching.

As of December 1, other measures to tighten the blockade should also take effect:

  • Private meetings are only with members of your own household and another household, “but in any case limited to a maximum of 5 people.” Children under the age of 14 are not counted.
  • There is a more stringent mask requirement: it is then applied to all closed rooms “that are open to the public or as part of visitors or clients.” In addition, it is also required to cover the mouth and nose outdoors, where “people remain in a confined space or not only temporarily.” Local authorities should identify these locations and time constraints.
  • The mask requirement also applies at workplaces and production facilities, but not on-site, as long as a distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained.
  • Colleges and universities should switch to digital teaching.
  • Employers should take company vacations between December 21 and January 3, if possible, or switch to “generous home office solutions.”