The Minister of Health transmits optimism and makes a new promise of vaccination. It depends on the family doctors. With them, however, Spahn is harshly criticized.
Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) has been optimistic that, with the help of doctors’ practices, a large part of the population will be vaccinated against the corona virus by the end of the summer. In the third trimester, people will not only be able to offer a vaccine, they will also be able to ask them to do so, Spahn said on Thursday in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg at one of the first vaccination appointments of a pilot project with almost 150 medical practices in the capital. “I am very sure that we will be there at the latest in summer.”
He has high hopes for the doctor’s office when large quantities of vaccines are delivered beginning in mid-April, Spahn said. The infrastructure of wholesalers, pharmacies and clinics is ideal for comprehensive vaccination. “It is so well rehearsed that it will go incredibly fast.” According to the current status and the promised deliveries, the start of the first regular vaccination appointments in the practices could take place from the week of April 16 and 19.
Woidke: You need to get the doctors involved ASAP
Currently, Spahn is again harshly criticized because the doctor’s practices will not be included in vaccines until mid-April, rather than early April as originally planned. The director of the German Association of General Practitioners, Ulrich Weigeldt, harshly criticized this approach as a “catastrophe”. Doctors must participate as soon as possible.
Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) also urges practicing doctors to be included in the state’s vaccination campaign as soon as possible. “We need the comprehensive participation of resident doctors and also company doctors as soon as possible,” said Woidke from the “Märkische Allgemeine”.
It is not only about the good use of vaccination centers, but above all about the nationwide vaccination of the population, so Woidke even more. “We need vaccination facilities across the country to run the campaign.” For several days, Brandenburg has lagged behind in the proportion of primary vaccinations in the population compared to the other countries.
In Spahn’s presence, Robert Marothy, 50, who has a tumor, was vaccinated with Astrazeneca in Berlin on Thursday. The patient said that he was very relieved. He has two children, a three-year-old and a seven-year-old. “You can protect yourself however you want, when the children go to school, it is relatively inactive. I already hope it is more relaxed.”