Moria: SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans calls for more refugees to be accepted


The grand coalition’s pledge on the admission of 1,553 more refugees from the Greek islands is only two days old. But that is not enough for the Social Democrats: “If it were up to the SPD, the federal states and cities could help without hindrance and welcome refugees. But the CDU and the CSU block here,” said party leader Norbert Walter- Borjans of the “Passauer Neue Presse”.

It made the admission of more refugees from Greece dependent on other EU states by following “the German example” and also accepting additional people. If the EU partners were to join together, Germany would also be ready to “host more refugees from Greece given its size.”

On Tuesday, the grand coalition agreed to accept 1,553 more people from the Greek islands. A total of 408 families, who have already been recognized by the Greek authorities with the right to protection, are said to benefit from the aid measure following the destruction of the Moria camp on Lesbos by several fires. SPD co-chair Saskia Esken had already called for a “high four-digit” number of migrants to be accepted over the weekend.

Icon: The mirror
