Moria crisis: Claudia Roth certifies Horst Seehofer “total failure”


Germany Fire on Lesbos

Claudia Roth certifies Seehofer’s “total failure” in the Moria crisis

| Reading time: 4 minutes

The situation becomes more dramatic and the people more desperate

There’s a lot of discussion about the Moria refugee recordings, but little action. Cities and municipalities report on vacancies, but Union politicians in particular are calling for a European solution first.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced after the Moria fire that up to 150 minors would be admitted to Germany. That’s not enough for green politician Claudia Roth. Norbert Röttgen demands the admission of 5,000 immigrants.

meIn the dispute over the admission of migrants from the burning Greek camp of Moria, the Vice President of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth, harshly attacks the federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU). “Horst Seehofer’s announcement that only 100 to 150 minors from Moria will be admitted to Germany is a total failure of the interior minister,” said the green politician from the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Saturday).

The commitment corresponds to only a fraction of the offers to accept almost 180 municipalities and several federal states. “With his rejection, Seehofer becomes jointly responsible for the inhuman suffering at the gates of Europe,” criticized Roth.

Now it is Prime Minister Angela Merkel’s turn. “I hope the chancellor will use her authority to issue guidelines and allow generous acceptance in Germany.” If other EU member states participate, it would be a good sign, Roth said. But the Federal Republic must now take the first courageous step.

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According to Seehofer, the federal government is already working to quickly take in more immigrants from Moria. “Personally, it is very important to me that we find a quick solution for families with children. Admitting the 400 unaccompanied minors is just the first step. The second step will follow, ”declared the CSU politician on Friday night in Berlin.

In the morning, Seehofer announced that ten European countries will participate in the admission of 400 unaccompanied minors. A large part, from 100 to 150 each, will be taken in by Germany and France.

The head of the town hall wants to welcome more people

The president of the German Association of Cities, Leipzig Mayor Burkhard Jung (SPD), called for more refugees from the burned-out Greek camp to be admitted. It is a humanitarian catastrophe that around 12,000 people no longer have a place to stay. “These people urgently need help,” Jung demanded in the “Rheinische Post.”

Jung described the admission of 400 unaccompanied minors from Moria, promised by several European countries, as a “correct first step”, but it was not enough. In addition, a quick and permanent “human” solution is needed.

“For me it is very bitter that our Europe has failed on this point,” criticized Jung. He expressly praised the willingness of many German municipalities to accept additional refugees.

The SPD member of the Bundestag, Siemtje Möller, criticized the harsh stance of the federal interior minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU), who repeatedly blocked offers from federal states and municipalities. “Why don’t we accept half of those who are now homeless and in need? We have space in Germany and many federal states and municipalities are ready to help, ”said Möller from the“ Passauer Neue Presse ”.

Röttgen demands the admission of 5,000 migrants

The foreign CDU politician and candidate for the CDU presidency, Norbert Röttgen, reiterated his demand to host 5,000 people from Moria in Germany. “5,000 fewer people would considerably ease the situation in Greece. It is our vindication of the Christian-democratic politics that we now help. This applies regardless of the fact that we urgently need to reach practical results in European refugee policy, “he told the” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. “

Röttgen said there had to be a quick and adequate response to this humanitarian emergency, “and we can do it too.” If possible, other European countries should help with the distribution of the refugees. “Moria is an open wound in European immigration policy, and even before the fire it was a human disaster. As a result of the fire, there are now great difficulties. “

Röttgen does not see the danger all at once like in the refugee crisis of 2015. There is better protection of the external borders and agreements with other states. The fact is that far fewer refugees are arriving today. The CDU politician also stressed: “If we now act in a humanitarian way in an exceptional situation, then we have to make it clear that there will be no signal.”

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Inferno at Camp Moria: now what?

The Moria camp was almost completely destroyed in several simultaneous fires Wednesday night. Instead of the nearly 3,000 expected migrants, more than 12,000 people stayed there. Some of the migrants are said to have started shooting after a quarantine was ordered for the camp’s residents due to corona infections.

“A gesture with 150 children is not a solution”

The leader of the Green Group, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, is currently in the Moria camp on Lesbos. In an interview with WELT, she asks for immediate action. Admitting 150 children is not a solution to the problem.

Source: WELT / Paul Willmann
