Moria-Brand: Merkel Speaks In Plain Text About EU Refugee Policy – Chancellor Breaks Her Neck At Meeting


The decision to host more than 1,500 refugees from Greece has been criticized. In the Bundestag, Chancellor Merkel and Interior Minister Seehofer answer the questions.

  • Chancellor Merkel * and Minister of the Interior Seehofer promote it after the Moria fire * refugees Record.
  • Critics launch the federal government one on the refugee issue “National effort alone” In front.
  • Merkel however criticizes the Migration policy acute eu (see update of September 16 at 12.55 pm).

Update on September 17 at 8.29 am: SPD-Chef Norbert Walter-Borjans I got up for one again extended recording of refugees from the Greek on fire Lager Moria pronounced in Germany. “If it were up to the SPD, it could Federal states and Cities Help without hindrance and welcome refugees. But CDU and CSU block here, “said Walter-Borjans of the Passauer Neue Presse.

The SPD president decided to accept more refugees Greece however it depends on others EU countries Follow “the German example” and welcome refugees too. If the EU partners were to join together, Germany would also be ready to “host more refugees from Greece given its size.”

Refugee problem: Merkel criticizes EU migration policy

Update on September 16 at 12.55 pm: At the meeting of the Union parliamentary group on Tuesday (see original report) hat Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) according to information from image der EU fail at Refugee policy accused. Consequently, Merkel said: “In Lesbos and in stock Moria it shows all the misery of European migration policy, which it is not. You just have to be so practical. “She continued, according to the report:” We all knew that in the Greek islands unsustainable conditions they are, and have been for a long time. “

If that United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) They say that “few times in the world has a refugee camp like Moria been seen,” so that “is not a sign of Europe’s values ​​and Europe’s ability to act,” Merkel said aloud. image. It is a refugee and asylum policy at the EU level “The thickest board”Against which, for example, financial negotiations are “a simple matter.”

Moria-Brand: Germany accepts significantly more people: criticism of Merkel’s “solo action”

Original notification of September 16: Berlin: where to go with them Refugees after Fire / Disaster in the greek countryside Moria*? Germany has advanced within Europe and wants 1553 Welcoming people from five Greek islands: 408 families with Childrenwho are already in Greece like in need of protection Recognized.

However: in about two hours Unionsfraktionssitzung On Tuesday in Berlin there was clear criticism of this decision *, said participants in the news agency. AFP. Instead of one “Solo action” would have the government in one European solution it must exist to be accepted, critics argued.

Merkel to Moria: “That is not a sign of Europe’s capacity for action”

Chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU), for its part, regretted that it did not materialize. “That is not a sign of Europe’s agency and values,” said the participants. Merkel * also protested against the interpretation that Germany acted alone at the national level. Rather, let the solution found be a “Zweigang”which was agreed jointly with the Greek government. She believes that it is “correct” to focus on families with children by admitting them and the “charm” of the planned move is that these people are a The prospect of staying would have. She will continue to advocate for a “European approach”.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), agree on the question of the admission of refugees.

© John Macdougall / AFP POOL / dpa

Merkel and Seehofer agree on the refugee question about Moria: “Absolutely unsustainable conditions”

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU *) regretted the AFP based on the fact that no EU country wants to participate in the reception of the 1,550 people. Me France did not want to help, criticized. Seehofer said his ministry employees were at the scene on Lesbos. Would you have “Absolutely unsustainable conditions” Seehofer was reported to have been summoned by participants in the parliamentary group meeting. Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) he described the admission program as an “independent contribution” from Germany, which should precede the desired European unification. President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen now calls for a new European system to control Migration. (AFP / dpa / frs * is part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network.

A new makeshift camp has been established on the island of Lesbos, but many refugees fear being locked up.

Headline list image: © John Macdougall / AFP POOL / dpa
