More than 100,000 fatalities: doubts rise about Italy’s crown strategy


Status: March 9, 2021 1:26 am

Italy is again in trouble from Corona. The number of infections is increasing significantly. A sad new record was also reached yesterday. Actions of the new government? So far none.

By Jörg Seisselberg,
ARD-Studio Rom

The bitter limit of 100,000 deaths was officially exceeded and a Covid 19 pandemic that is gathering speed again in Italy: shortly before these dates became official, Mario Draghi contacted the Italians by video message. With a call that can be understood as a call for more commitment and discipline in the fight against the crown.

We are all facing a new pandemic emergency that is getting worse these days. Everyone must do their part to contain the spread of the virus.

Jörg Seisselberg

The infection curve in Italy has risen sharply for about ten days. The number of infections has increased by about a third. While lockdown restrictions are slowly falling in other parts of Europe, Italy is sinking deeper into crisis again. According to reports from various Italian media outlets, the government’s scientific council is increasing pressure to abandon the currently valid regional traffic light system and to re-enact uniform national measures in the fight against the pandemic.

Experts call for tougher steps

Patrizia Laurenti, Professor of Hygiene and Infectious Diseases at the University of Cattolica, also has doubts in view of current developments whether Italy is on the right track with the above solutions.

In my opinion, these distinctions between individual regions can no longer be justified. It has been shown that mistakes were made in the so-called yellow zones. The color yellow was experienced as an excess of freedom.

In yellow zones with few restrictions, for example, bars and restaurants may open during the day. Large regions such as Lombardy and Piedmont quickly returned to the orange zone with a high number of infections, and restaurants and bars had to close again. Campania has even been a red zone since the beginning of the week. A total of almost ten million Italians are once again locked up, with shops, schools and restaurants closed.

“The trend seems clear”

The incidence value as of yesterday is 236 throughout Italy, more than three times higher than in Germany (68). Hygiene specialist Laurenti says: “It is certainly a situation that requires tougher measures with more restrictions. I’m sorry to have to say that, but the data speaks for itself, the trend is clear.”

The Repubblica newspaper specifically reports on a proposal by the Government Scientific Council to send all of Italy to a hard lockdown for three weeks, also due to the rapid spread of the British virus variant, and to carry out as many vaccines as possible during This weather. As usual since Draghi took office, the government did not comment on the report.

A little encouragement

In his current video message, the new prime minister limits himself to general information and a little encouragement.

The pandemic has not yet been defeated. But with a faster vaccination campaign, you can see a ray of light not far on the horizon. I would like to take this opportunity to send a true signal of confidence to everyone.

But what exactly this sign looks like and, above all, what strategy the government wants to use to counter the worsening crisis of the crown in Italy, Draghi left it open, even on the day the limit of 100,000 dead was crossed. However, it cannot be ruled out that behind Draghi’s wall of silence, work is being done to correct Italy’s flagging anti-crown policy, especially to accelerate the vaccination campaign.

All those responsible so far in this area, from the special commissioner of Corona to the head of Civil Protection, have been replaced without exception in recent days. This also without comment.
