More mask, less party: the federal government plans new restrictions


Due to the rapid rate of infection across the country, Chancellor Merkel will meet with the country’s leaders to discuss further measures. The first details are filtered before the appointment. Consequently, citizens must adapt to the new restrictions.

The federal government wants to introduce a supplemental mask requirement and a restaurant curfew if the number of new corona infections in a region exceeds 35 per 100,000 residents in a week. This mask requirement will be introduced where people come closer or longer, according to a draft motion for a resolution for today’s deliberations between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of state of the countries. Also, bars and clubs should be closed in such cases.

It is left open in the draft when the curfew is going to start and how many participants can still be admitted to private events in these regions. Much controversy over the numbers is expected. Citizens are also asked to carefully consider whether celebrations with family or friends are currently necessary. They are considered one of the main sources of infection. According to the document, the federal government advocates limiting the number of participants in private celebrations and public events at the latest if there are 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a region within seven days.

New rules on the controversial accommodation ban are not included in the draft. Rather, citizens are “urgently” urged to avoid unnecessary travel outside risk areas and into areas within Germany with a high number of infections. In many federal states, travelers from areas with a seven-day incidence of more than 50 must already submit negative corona tests if they want to stay in hotels or guesthouses. However, overnight stays with friends and family are allowed. In light of the fall break, the regulation had sparked discussions in many federal states.

The ailing economy also plays a central role in the newspaper. Consequently, the federal government wants to improve aid measures for sectors particularly affected by the pandemic. The planned restrictions in light of the growing number of infections would mean that some economic sectors would have to accept significant restrictions on their business operations in the coming months, he says. Therefore, the federal government “will expand aid to companies and improve conditions in the main economic sectors affected.”

In view of the increasing number of corona infections, Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states are discussing how the pandemic can be contained on Wednesday. In the meeting at the Foreign Ministry starting at noon, it should be about whether the countries find a more uniform line and the rules should be tightened. Another issue is the controversial accommodation ban when traveling in Germany. Merkel had repeatedly made it clear that another shutdown of social and economic life should be avoided, such as in the spring.
