More Home Office, Better Masks, Longer Lockdown – Numerous Corona Summit Resolutions Fixed – School and Daycare Dispute – Politics


This time, too, the wind is coming head-on for Angela Merkel. This is demonstrated by various reactions from the federal states ahead of the Corona summit on Tuesday afternoon. It was so common recently – the Chancellery wanted tougher lockdown measures, especially with regard to the possible spread of Britain’s most contagious Corona mutant.

Some of the federal states resisted this; The current easing situation cannot be transmitted to the population about the tightening. Furthermore, the pressure is not only growing from the FDP to first properly implement the applicable measures and provide a database of what actually worked.

After an expert talk on Monday evening and consultations in the so-called circle of four (Chancellor Merkel, Vice Chancellor Scholz, Berlin’s ruling mayor Müller, Bavarian Prime Minister Söder), there was a deactivated motion for a resolution for the federal state meeting. The objective continues: Reduce the incidence of seven days below 50.

After more than four hours of trading, one thing is for sure: The lockdown, which was previously limited to January 31, will run for two weeks until February 14 with further adjustments.

Until then, there should be a clearer picture of the spread of the virus mutation. Since this Tuesday, a regulation of the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), with which thousands of follow-up tests of corona positive tests for the mutation must be carried out with immediate effect, each laboratory receives 220 euros per sequencing.

Until then, a working group at the level of the head of the Federal Chancellery and the heads of the state chancelleries and the Senate should also develop a “concept for an opening strategy.”

Markus Söder is on the phone in front of the Federal Chancellery on Tuesday afternoon with heavy snowfall.Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Applicable to Contact restrictions nothing should change. The same applies as before: private meetings with members of your own household and with another person not living in the household are still allowed.

It should be mandatory to wear more effective masks.

In addition, there should be an obligation to wear medical masks in public transport and in shops, i.e. FFP2 or the cheapest surgical masks.

[Mehr zum Thema: Schutzwirkung, Preis, Zertifizierung – wie man gute FFP-2-Masken erkennt und was sie kosten]

Above all, improvements should also be made to the World of work to reduce the risk of contagion. Merkel and the country’s leaders agreed on a Home office setting, “According to which employers must allow employees to work from home whenever possible, as long as activities allow.” So far it has stayed with the government’s appeals to companies.

Additionally, employers must provide their employees with medical masks if they have to go to the office or factory. If clearances cannot be maintained and adequate ventilation cannot be ensured, factory workers and factories should wear FFP2 masks. Working hours should also be straightened out. Here, however, we are not talking about an obligation, only a request.

Video conference also at the federal-state meeting. Ahead Angela Merkel and Michael Müller.Photo: Steffen Kugler / Federal Government / Brochure via REUTERS

I am traffic Increased frequency of buses and trains is intended to help reduce the number of passengers on transport by a third compared to the pre-Crown period.

The issue of schools remains controversial at the summit (as of 5:45 pm). According to information from Tagesspiegel before the summit, the Chancellery wanted it to be indicated in the draft that schools would remain closed across the board. Therefore, special rules may apply to graduating classes. Something similar should be for next Be valid. The SPD countries removed these requirements from the draft. Before the summit it was only said that the existing rules will continue to apply. Uncertain result.

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The situation in the Nursing Homes and Retirement Homes it is a problem at the top. The incidence has recently declined among the very old, but not as dramatically as in other age groups. So now an FFP2 mask for home staff is coming. The requirement of rapid tests for visitors and staff in case of high incidents in the region is recalled once again.

No communication in case of curfew

A requirement for a Curfew, for example as in Bavaria from 9 pm to 5 am, it was rejected mainly by the SPD side before the summit and was also found in the Summit resolution motion from Monday night at 11:45 pm, which is available for the Daily Mirror no longer after it was included in an earlier draft.

There it was pointed out in point 9 that the federal states are committed to aligning their measures in such a way that an incidence of less than 50 can be “predictably” achieved by mid-February. If this is not successful, the federal states should “establish a curfew” and / or the restriction of the circulation radius to 15 km around the place of residence “. And not as before from a 7-day incidence of 200, but also below.

Starting today, that would also affect Berlin. Above all, the federal states led by the SPD mobilized, in the proposed amendments point 9 was removed by the Berlin Senate Chancellery without replacement. Because that could mean curfews from mid-February for regions with low infection rates compared to Germany.
Note: this article will be continually updated.
