Morandi Highway Bridge: “A light that gives hope”


Less than two years after the devastating collapse of the bridge in Genoa, Italy, the basic structure of a new bridge was completed. Traffic should roll again in July.

A milestone was reached in the construction of the new Genoa bridge in the midst of the Corona crisis: the structure of the highway bridge, connecting the western and eastern parts of the Italian city, was completed less than two years after the collapse.

The last part of the deck has now been raised. When the last part was inserted upstairs, the construction site siren howled. In salute to the new bridge, the ships also did so in the port city.

Construction work 24 hours.

About 17,500 tons of steel were used for the section of the bridge over one kilometer long. Now, among other things, the roads have to be paved and lighting and traffic control systems must be installed. In late June and early July, the bridge is supposed to reopen to traffic.

Construction of the viaduct continued despite the Corona crisis. Italy is particularly affected by Covid-19 lung disease, around 27,000 people have already died.

“Message to all Italy”

Mayor Marco Bucci said the site operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reconstruction is a “message for all of Italy” that there is a resurrection even in difficult times.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said when visiting the construction site that the reconstruction was “a light that gives Italy hope.” Genoa is “a model for Italy that rises again, rolls up its sleeves”.


The Morandi Bridge in Genoa after the collapse and reconstruction.

The Morandi Bridge in Genoa after the collapse in August 2018 and during its reconstruction.

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Helmet design

The design of the new building comes from the Italian star architect Renzo Piano, one of the most famous works of which is the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris. In designing the bridge, the native Genoese relied on the hull of a ship, which is supposed to recall the centuries-long history of Genua as a port city.


Collapse of the highway bridge in Genoa (August 2018)

View of the Ponte Morandi motorway bridge in Genoa that collapsed on August 14. Many people died in the process. The | Image source: PAOLA PIRRERA / AFP

The Morandi Expressway Bridge collapsed in August two years ago, 43 people died. The collapse had shocked the entire country and caused national trauma. Because Genoa also represents the ruined infrastructure throughout Italy. The operator of the Autostrade per l’Italia motorway was known long before the collapse of damage to the bridge.

The prosecution faces a gigantic trial against more than 70 suspects. The company itself is one of the defendants, and the allegations include multiple negligent killings. But until a first verdict can be issued, it could take until 2022, chief prosecutor Francesco Cozzi announced.
