“Monsieur Murot’s Vacation”: Ulrich Tukur Shines in a Great Double Role


  • Judith von Sternburg

    sinceJudith von Sternburg


“Monsieur Murot’s Vacation” is not just reminiscent of a classic. The new HR crime scene with Ulrich Tukur is one of its own.

  • the ARD show new HR crime scene “Die Ferien des Monsieur Murot”.
  • Crime scene with Ulrich tukur is a tribute to the classic French cinema of Jacques tati.
  • TV & Movies – All movie & TV reviews on one page.

the crime scene shortly before his 50th birthday he has his baffling phase. After Professor Boerne was able (had to) inspect himself and his family from the outside as nearly dead and a horror house taught Dresden inspectors and at least the most terrified among us, he meets Human resources researcher yourself in the summer at the Taunus.

“Monsieur Murot’s Vacation”: New Crime Scene with Ulrich Tukur is melancholic

In his other life, he is a car dealership, and after a torrent of dealer talk, it is not so surprising that the man is afraid that his wife will kill him. Or yes, it surprises you. Because what if all women mixed poison into their talkative husbands’ food? A better, peaceful world in which far fewer cars would be sold?

That is not said, especially since this crime scene it is not noisy in the strict sense either. It is melancholic. It’s exhilarating to find yourself in another life, even if you spend hours talking about cars and drinking wine with your twin. The car dealer asks at the beginning. Cereals also if it is death. The car dealership is not without it, or: if you talk a lot, every now and then you hit a crucial point.

Ulrich Tukur shines in “Monsieur Murot’s Vacation” in a double or triple role

The secret of the incredible resemblance between the two men (they read Erich Kästner themselves and make the corresponding jokes) is not clarified in the film. Out here we already know it’s because Ulrich tukur can be seen in a great double role, which is actually a triple role: Tukur plays Murot, who is on vacation at the Taunus, plays the car sellerThat he won’t survive the drunken lazy night and finally plays Cerealswho’s playing now that he’s the one car seller.

At first it happens by chance. How Cereals He realizes the car dealer is dead, he takes advantage of the perfect undercover investigation. You have to say he just wants it. In the postcard she sent to her colleague Magda Wächter, Barbara Philipp, she wrote without suspecting the good that escaping from family space had done for her.

Actress paper
Ulrich tukur Felix murot
Barbara Philipp Magda Guardian
Anne Ratte-Polle Monika boenfeld
Thorsten Merten Peter lessing
Carina wiese Birgit lessing
Michael Hanemann Georg heiss
Moritz Führmann Robert blaske

HR-Tatort as a tribute to Jaques Tati: “Monsieur Murot’s Vacation” with Ulrich Tukur

Obviously, the most fabulous narrative opportunities open here and two Cereals– Newcomers (screenwriter Ben Braeunlich and co-writer / director Grzegorz Muskala) all wear them without wearing them down. Jacques Tati’s movie “Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot” from 1953 resonates ostensibly in the title, deep down in the basic atmosphere, a timelessly old-fashioned party atmosphere. Brown and muscular discreetly transfer Tati’s tribute to a curious persistence about what remains today. Pay attention to women’s interiors and wardrobes.

From now on, Taunus split screen postcards will be in high demand. A pen will appear on some wish lists that are still pen-written (however: pens are whimsical if you just give them a vague nostalgia and don’t have enough time). There are also numerous Tati-Details, Murot’s white suit, the funny role that cars play in different ways or the unorthodox but very efficient service game Murots.

Cereals Do you play tennis? It was unknown, and the scene is so beautiful that you can not Mr hulot you must consider to find great joy in it.

To transmission

“Crime Scene: Monsieur Murot’s Vacation”, ARD, Sunday, 8:15 pm

“Tatort” today: location, actors, reviews too „Die Ferien des Monsieur Murot“(Giessener-allgemeine.de *)

With “Monsieur Murot’s Vacation”, HR brings a true classic to the crime scene series

But now again: melancholy, consideration. It is, in a closer sense, a sad life in which Cereals gets into it. The car dealer’s wife, Anne Ratte-Polle, is a distraught piano teacher. The student’s raindrop prelude falls slowly as she dreams of a completely different kind of music (hers, here by Bertram Denzel). But she’s actually a nice woman Cerealswho shyly slides into the unfamiliar double bed next to her, notices it too. The triumphant tennis match makes her laugh for the first time. Yes, this scene will become famous. Hopefully the sales talk scene will also become famous, Murot as a car dealer and actress Ruth Rupp, 94, as a sassy customer.

The HR has to crime scene-Series contributed another true classic. It is possible to watch it again immediately with a profit. Perhaps you will now notice that vacationers Cereals The story of Poe’s doppelganger “William Wilson” is read. (Judith von Sternburg) * giessener-allgemeine.de is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide
