Moldova: Maia Sandu before Igor Dodon’s victory in the presidential elections


In the second round of the presidential elections in Moldova, there are signs of victory for the pro-European candidate Maia Sandu. In a duel with the pro-Russian incumbent Igor Dodon, the former head of government reaches 51.2 percent of the votes after counting more than 90 percent of the ballots. Dodon, therefore, stands at 48.67 percent. Sandu, 48, was already ahead of the first round two weeks ago.

Although the electoral commission closed its eyes to “flagrant violations,” it hoped that “the voice of the nation will be heard,” Sandu said after the polls closed. He called on voters to calmly await the official election result and “avoid provocations.” Dodon also urged his followers and his rival’s supporters to remain calm. Everything possible should be done to avoid “destabilization,” he said. “I’m quite optimistic about the results,” Dodon said despite his delay. On Friday, he asked his supporters to take to the streets if they felt their election had been stolen.

Moldova is divided between supporters of the EU rapprochement and those who want to maintain close ties with Russia. Moldova is considered the poorest country in Europe.

Runoff elections like those of 2016, with a different ending?

Dodon and Sandu competed with each other four years ago. The decision was also made only in a second round. In casting his vote on Sunday, the president said he defended “friendly relations with our western and eastern partners.” Sandu promised to bring the economy out of the crisis by reaching out to the EU. She said at a polling station: “I voted for change.” He also called on election officials to prevent vote falsification.

Dodon has been president of the former Soviet republic since 2016. He is considered an ally of Moscow. Before the elections, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the hope that Dodon would remain in office. During the election campaign, he continued to offer the prospect of close relations with “strategic partner” Moscow and advocated making Russian a compulsory subject in schools.

Sandu was Prime Minister of Moldova for five months in 2019. In November, however, the government, which was awaiting reform, failed thanks to a vote of confidence that it had forced. If Sandu now wins the preferential elections, he is expected to go to an early parliamentary election. The Socialists, Dodon’s old party, have a majority in parliament.

The country has been in a permanent crisis since independence in 1991: the border region with Ukraine east of the Dnester River has effectively been divided as Transnistria. Russia has stationed troops there on a UN mandate. Tensions with the autonomous community of Gagauzia also occasionally arise.

Icon: The mirror
