Missing students in Mexico: arrest warrants for police and soldiers


Six years after the disappearance of 43 students in Mexico, the authorities issued arrest warrants for numerous policemen and soldiers. They are said to have been involved in the alleged murder of the disappeared.

On the anniversary of the alleged murder of 43 students, the Mexican Judicial Power issued arrest warrants for soldiers allegedly involved in the disappearance of the youths. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced the judge’s order to arrest the military in the presentation of a progress report. The students’ parents, who suspected soldiers had been involved for years, also participated.

Exactly six years ago, on the night of September 26-27, 2014, near the city of Iguala in the state of Guerrero, the 43 students of a seminar for left-wing teachers in Ayotzinapa, Mexico, disappeared when they were preparing to travel. to a demonstration in the capital, Mexico City. .

The background to this day is unclear

According to the Mexican judiciary, the group was kidnapped by corrupt police officers and extradited to the Guerreros Unidos drug gang. The gang members are said to have mistook them for members of a cartel at war, murdered them in a garbage dump and burned them. Since then, dozens of bodies have been found in mass graves in the surrounding mountains.

So far, only the remains of two of the missing have been identified: the details and background of the crime are still unclear. No one has been convicted to this day.

Doubts about the results of the investigation

The families of the students and independent experts from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights questioned the official results of the investigation. The government of then President Enrique Peña Nieto was criticized internationally for the slowness in processing the case.

The controversies surrounding the case led his successor, López Obrador, to found a truth commission that was supposed to “start from scratch” with the investigation. The president of the Truth Commission, Alejandro Encinas, said; The Defense Ministry has provided information on a military unit stationed in the region six years ago.
