Migrant Boat “Rejection”? Federal Police on Questionable Use


In August, a rubber boat carrying 40 immigrants on its way to Greece stops in the Aegean Sea. Then people turn around: there is a suspicion that it may have been a “rejection” by the security forces. Now the media are reporting: A federal police boat was also involved.

Federal police officers also participated in a controversial operation against migrants in the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey. The “Spiegel” reported that the head of the EU border protection agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri, wrote to the EU Commission. “Mainz Report” could also view the internal report. The Federal Ministry of the Interior confirmed that German forces were on site for the deployment in question.

As the “Spiegel” reports, on the morning of August 10, a Greek observation post discovered a rubber boat with migrants at sea, which was clearly already in Greek waters. The federal police boat “Uckermark” arrived a quarter of an hour later and found 40 people in the crowded rubber boat. The crew did not bring anyone on board, but instead waited for the Greek coast guard. That complied with the order, Frontex writes according to “Spiegel” in the internal report. The “Uckermark” had prevented the ship from continuing until the Greeks arrived.

According to “Spiegel”, a photo taken two hours later by the Turkish coast guard shows that 40 migrants were rescued from an inflatable boat by the Turkish security forces. In the room there is a suspicion of an illegal expulsion under international law without prior examination, for example an application for asylum (“rejection”). The Greek authorities, which Leggeri cites according to “Spiegel”, spoke of a “prevented entry”. The migrants reportedly returned voluntarily. When Frontex inquired, the coast guard was said to have “taken border protection measures to prevent the arrival at Samos.”

The Federal Ministry of the Interior confirms its use

Upon request, the Federal Ministry of the Interior confirmed the general characteristics of the operation, to the extent that the federal police intervened. The German forces acted as part of the Frontex Poseidon operation and were subordinate to the Greek authorities, a spokeswoman said. At his request, they went to the rubber boat and remained there until the coast guard arrived. “German officials reported the events to the Greek authorities and Frontex in accordance with the regulations,” he said. “So far, there is no reliable evidence or reliable knowledge on considering this issue as a supposed setback.” In two weeks, Frontex’s board of directors will revert to complaints of rejections.

The spokesman for human rights policy of the SPD parliamentary group, Frank Schwabe, calls on the federal police to withdraw from the Aegean Sea: “The Germans must not under any circumstances participate in the rejections, not even indirectly. And if Frontex cannot To guarantee this, the German contingent must withdraw. ” he said to the “mirror”.

There have already been several reports that Greek border guards are pushing rubber boats with migrants on board in the Aegean towards Turkey. “Spiegel”, “Report Mainz” and other international media reported in October that Greek border guards were pushing back inflatable boats with migrants on board in the Aegean towards Turkey. They were based on information from those affected and on video recordings. Frontex officials were reported to have been close in several of these actions since April 2020.

Report: inflatables pushed back

In one case, a Frontex ship is said to have initially blocked a ship overloaded with migrants, but did not pick up the occupants. Instead, the officers passed the ship “at high speed” and left the scene. More videos can be seen of how the Greek coast guard then pushes the rubber boat towards Turkey. In another case, a Frontex surveillance plane is said to have flown over the scene.

German soldiers have also seen several times in the Aegean Sea how ships carrying immigrants are returned to Turkish waters on their way to Greece. According to information from the German Press Agency, three such incidents were documented in June. Human rights organizations have repeatedly accused Athens of allowing illegal refusals. Athens denies it.
