Middle class president Mario Ohoven dies in traffic accident


rehe president of the Federal Association of Medium Enterprises (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, passed away at the age of 74. As BVMW announced on Sunday in Berlin, Ohoven died in a traffic accident at the weekend. The investment advisor, born in Neuss (North Rhine-Westphalia) in 1946, has been President of the SME Association since 1998. In two decades, Ohoven had made BVMW the leading SME association in Germany with 340 branches and 60 from their own offices abroad, the message said.

Federal Finance Minister Peter Altmaier emphasized that Ohoven had achieved great achievements for midsize companies. “I really appreciated it. Our thoughts are with his family and his employees, “wrote the CDU politician on the short message service Twitter.

The trained banker Ohoven was the face and voice of the association. In 2005, the lobbyist sold his Investor- und Treuhand-Beteiligungsgesellschaft company.
