Michael Wendler: Kaufland’s behavior is hypocritical


opinion Corona conspiracy video

Kaufland’s dealings with Wendler are simply hypocritical

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Philipp Vetter

Now Wendler’s hit star spreads crude conspiracy theories

What’s wrong with the Wendler? Only the outing in Germany looks for the superstar and now crazy conspiracy theories about the crown pandemic. Not only RTL has already distanced itself from the pop singer.

The marketing department put Kaufland’s reputation on the line for a little attention. The publicity with the hacked pop singer was intolerable even before his crude conspiracy myths. They wanted it cheap, they didn’t care, and that’s what they got.

SUBWAYshe literally hears Michael Wendler’s so-called trill of success in Kaufland’s marketing department: “It doesn’t matter!” Have. Her appearances on trash TV, where she flaunted her relationship with a 19-year-old and tried to erase the issue of the 28-year age difference from the table by saying that women “were over at 15.” Never mind! After all, Wendler and his Laura made the tabloid headlines over and over again.

He could get some cheap attention there, Kaufland thought, and made a video of the self-proclaimed songwriter and lyricist singing from a “shelf.” How would you put it? And while cutting the new lying wife, you can still rant about “tender vegetables.” “Simply cheap”, the slogan at the end of the video was program.

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Now to distance himself from the clip and its actor because Wendler is adding a bit of stupidity and babbling about Corona’s great worldwide conspiracy in another video, claiming that his broadcaster RTL is controlled by the criminal federal government. like all media, it is simply hypocritical. They wanted it cheap, they didn’t care, and that’s exactly what they got from Kaufland.

Before the complaints started in the marketing department, one couldn’t have suspected that Wendler would also become a denier of the crown: but they might suspect that. As the manager of the so-called singer reports, the Wendler drew attention while filming the promotional video because he yelled at team members who were wearing the prescribed masks to protect themselves against infection. But it does not matter!

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Kaufland bet and lost. For a little attention, the reputation of the supermarket chain and the entire business group of the richest German Dieter Schwarz, which also includes Lidl, was put at stake. And not just because of the ominous video of the conspiracy, but because the decision was made by this ambassador in the first place. Because every Kaufland customer should be clear that they are helping to finance Wendler’s existence with their purchase. Without this indescribable brand ambassador, the milk, bread and coffee in Kaufland would be even cheaper. It will be interesting to see if customers just chirp – it doesn’t matter!

Not everything is irrelevant, says WELT author Philipp Vetter

Not everything matters, says WELT author Philipp Vetter

Quelle: Getty Images / Getty Images Europe / Tristar Media; Claudio Pflug
