Michael Kretschmer (CDU): “People realize how powerful Merkel is”


WORLD Mr. Kretschmer, many chants were held about the chancellor last year. It did not play a major role in the CDU’s East German election campaigns. We are now experiencing a completely different picture: Angela Merkel (CDU) is more present in the crown crisis than she has been for a long time. Are you happy with that

Michael Kretschmer: In this situation, it pays to have an experienced and intelligent head of government who has firm control over the issue. All the prime ministers trust him. It has managed to group decisions together, make them quickly, and organize esprit de corps in the federal government. And it certainly helps that Angela Merkel also has one experienced scientist it is

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Germany and the virus

WORLD The Union has grown significantly in the polls. Is that more than a snapshot?

Kretschmer: The pandemic is currently replacing everything else. People notice how powerful the chancellor is. I am delighted with the support of the population. But it is also essential. At the same time, I am concerned about the crude conspiracy theories circulating about Corona on the Internet. This false news will cost lives. There are already examples of this in the world. It is even more important that the executive in Germany now act decisively. Our responsibility is enormous. An individual cannot use them. We can only do this together in governments.

Governing from the computer: the Prime Minister of Saxony Michael Kretschmer (CDU) at the State Chancellery in Dresden

Governing from the computer: the Prime Minister of Saxony Michael Kretschmer (CDU) at the State Chancellery in Dresden

Source: dpa

WORLD The question of who should succeed Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as leader of the CDU has been put aside in the Union for now. When should the CDU speak again about party leadership? If there is a vaccine?

Kretschmer: My attitude has always been: we should have a party conference in December. Decisions can be made there. And then we talked to the CSU about a candidate for chancellor. That would be the most reasonable thing in the current situation.

WORLD The Federal Republic is a federal state. Some consider this a disadvantage in such crisis situations and advocate a central government that can be established anywhere. How difficult was it to put 16 state governments under one roof?

Kretschmer: In a crisis that affects the entire country, regional knowledge is particularly important. Who is the district administrator? Who is the head of the clinic? The advantage of federalism is particularly evident at this time. I am glad that we have this system in Germany.

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WORLD Are you satisfied with the results of the agreements that the states and the federal government have made in Germany?

Kretschmer: Yes In no way have we loosened very little. What we have agreed goes to the limit of what you can do. Now we have to observe how the situation develops in the next 14 days. Then we qualify again. We drive in sight. Basically nothing has changed. The virus is in the world. We still don’t have a reliable medicine against it and no vaccine. We only have passive protection, at least a meter and a half away. Our weapon against the pandemic is our discipline. We have to maintain it to avoid a tragedy like in Italy.

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WORLD What was particularly important to you from the Saxon perspective in the discussions between the chancellor and the prime ministers?

Kretschmer: It is important to me to give economic operators the opportunity to earn their own money again. As an entrepreneur and as an employee. The crown crisis has enormous economic consequences. Sales markets are broken, productions are paralyzed. It will keep us busy for a long time.

WORLD Now you have Abitur written in Saxony. Crowds of people are inevitable in schools. Some students feel ill-prepared because they have had to spend the past few weeks in their home office. Why are you holding on to exams?

Kretschmer: We had the last Notabitur in Saxony after World War II. This should not be repeated. The students were prepared for homeschooling, the teachers were very involved. Exams do not take place immediately on Monday, so there is still the possibility of consultations in schools.

Federal states also go their own way when it comes to Abitur

The federal and state governments agreed on a gradual start to school starting May 4, actually. However, some federal states are already opening their schools to prepare for exams. Many schools still do not know how to meet hygiene standards.

Source: WELT / Peter Haentjes

WORLD Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) suggested that the summer holidays be shortened to make up for canceled classes. What do you think of that?

Kretschmer: It is important to me that we now set a medium-term schedule. In this we also have to talk about vacations. There are reasons for this and also reasons against it. Let’s talk about it in peace. It is true that this is being discussed, but it cannot be decided now.

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WORLD In the Saxon border region with Poland, the pandemic has meant that many Polish travelers working in the health sector in border cities like Görlitz are no longer able to work. How did this affect the practices of doctors, nursing homes, and clinics?

Kretschmer: Border closings are a bitter experience. Many people have arranged for us to live in a common economic and living area in the border triangle of Poland, the Czech Republic and Saxony. Poles and Czechs work in Germany and vice versa. The exchange also applies to culture and sports. Suddenly, without prior coordination, Poland and the Czech Republic closed the borders. We couldn’t imagine this quick ending. I would have preferred a different approach.

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WORLD Does the crisis reverse European unification?

Kretschmer: I hope not. Of course, we are ready to organize medical care together. But no such agreements were made with Warsaw or Prague. However, we support our partners in Lower Silesia with crown tests. We also want to offer this in the Czech Republic. The exchange is particularly important now.

WORLD Politicians cannot name an end point to the crisis until there is an acceptable vaccine or medicine. What periods do you personally wait for?

Kretschmer: This year we will all be remembered for a long time. I hope to normalize next year.

WORLD In recent years he has traveled from one place to another to meet people, sometimes hundreds of meetings a day. Shaking hands massively was an integral part of his job. None of this is possible now. You’re missing?

Kretschmer: If much. I have always learned a lot, direct contact with people is my most important political compass. We have now transferred this civil dialogue to the Internet. Live Facebook works quite well. This is not the same, but it is also a good opportunity for exchange. So far we have had over 100,000 viewers, which is not so bad.

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