Merkel’s statement on crown measures: “winter will be difficult” – politics


In her government statement on the crown measures decided on Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) swore the parliamentarians and the people to another difficult time. “Winter is going to be difficult. Four long difficult months, but it will end ”, declared the Chancellor. This “dramatic situation” would affect “everyone without exception.”

He understands the “desperation” and “frustration” that people currently feel in some areas, which is why he is targeting hoteliers, restaurateurs and cultural establishments in particular, who have to close again.

During her speech, Merkel was repeatedly interrupted loudly. The president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (78, CDU), had to intervene and warn the boos from the AfD parliamentary group.

Merkel had justified the new agreed blockade: “The measures are adequate, necessary and proportionate.” Despite many exemplary hygiene measures, for example in gastronomy, new restrictions are necessary: ​​”In the current process of exponential contagion, hygiene measures can no longer develop their strength”.

Schäuble in the direction of the interlocutor: “Wait a minute, if you interrupt the president, you will receive calls to order. This is dangerous. I think that no one in our country would understand each other if we did not listen with the necessary discipline to the government’s statement of the Chancellor in this difficult situation about these difficult measures. And I urge you. “The country is in an extraordinarily difficult situation, he emphasized.

“Shut up” could be heard during the following boos, not in the direction of the Chancellor, but in the direction of the boos.

Another scandal: the head of the AfD, Alexander Gauland (79), then used the formulations of the conspiracy theorists, the citizens of the Reich and the deniers of the crown. There is “a kind of war propaganda,” a “war cabinet” and a “dictatorship of the Crown,” he said in parliament.

“Adequate, necessary and proportionate”

► Merkel continues: “The pandemic is a medical, economic, social, political, psychological test. We will only be able to face it with solidarity and with the will to establish a transparent and open exchange between us. “

The objective of the measures is a “systematic reduction of contacts”. The encounters should be reduced “massively,” Merkel said, naming a mark of 75 percent. This is the only way to reduce the risk of infection.

Soothing illusions and populist trivialization are unrealistic and irresponsible. Merkel’s hard blow against the populists: “Lies and misinformation, conspiracies and hatred not only damage the democratic debate, but also the fight against the virus.”

► FDP leader Christian Lindner (41) he criticized the course of the federal government. It considers that the closure of restaurants and bars is “unnecessary and therefore also unconstitutional.” Wait: “This second shutdown may also be lighter than the first. It must have been the last one now. “

► The leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich (61) he called the current situation an “existential challenge.” The pandemic will not go away by itself. Therefore, his group supported the measures taken. They are “urgently needed and proportionate.”

► Leader of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group Ralph Brinkhaus (52): “As an open and pluralistic society, we have to show we can get this under control,” he says. At the same time, he vigorously rejected the opposition’s accusations about the lack of parliamentary involvement in the Corona crisis. There have been 70 debates about Corona.
