Merkel’s new rules for the big city ten days on trial. – politics


Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) and the mayors of Germany’s eleven largest cities have agreed on new measures to contain the crown:

► Explosive: The “trial period” for the measures now decided is ten days and starts today! If the number of new infections does not decrease during this time, further restriction steps are planned. These should go into effect “if it is foreseeable (…) that it is no longer possible to fully trace contacts.”

Some examples are size restrictions for certain groups or football matches without spectators. Consider where contact reduction is easiest. At BILD LIVE, the Mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher (54, SPD), said: “If all this does not work, then there must be more restrictions, especially in the catering industry.”

Merkel: “We all feel that big cities, metropolitan areas are now the scenario that shows whether we can keep the pandemic in Germany under control, as we have been able to do for months, or if this control is slipping away from us.” . “

The Chancellor’s dramatic appeal: “And that is exactly where we are now. Now are the days and weeks that will decide how Germany will fare in this winter pandemic. “


Mask requirement in public places and where distance cannot be maintained.

● Large cities must take over from public order offices so that they can control compliance with the rules. The federal and state governments advise on whether federal and state law enforcement can also provide support. Other controls, like parking patrols, could possibly get in the way.

● No later than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, the Robert Koch Institute and the Bundeswehr dispatch at the request of cities. Experts |.

Out of 50 infections for every 100,000 inhabitants it must be done immediately new restrictions give. This includes an extension of the mask requirement, contact restrictions and, if necessary, curfew hours and alcohol restrictions for restaurants, as well as restrictions for participants in private events and celebrations.

● If health authorities are overwhelmed with following up contacts, the federal and state governments should personal support Afford. For their part, large cities want to support the public health service with trained personnel to follow up on contacts.

● Protection measures in Residences and nursing homes, hospitals and facilities for the disabled it must be adapted to the number of infections. The federal government pays for rapid personnel tests and Co.

Merkel: The situation is different from the summer

Merkel makes it clear: “It was good in the summer, now we are seeing a worrisome different picture.”

If contact tracing is no longer possible, “the infection numbers will escape us,” he warned.

► Another blockade must be urgently avoided: “If possible, we do not want to close economic and public life as was necessary in spring,” said the Chancellor. “For me, children and young people and their education are at the top,” he said against the new school closings.

Tschentscher: “I didn’t do anything wrong”

Hamburg’s first mayor, Peter Tschentscher, told BILD reporter Peter Tiede on BILD LIVE: “It’s not that we have done anything wrong so far, we just have more difficult conditions, now in the cold season.”

Individual large cities cannot be accused of spreading the virus where people live together. Those are the great metropolises.

Tschentscher does not see the accommodation ban as a crucial issue: “We have a uniform accommodation ban, but it doesn’t help much.”

However, this is not very effective, “because we cannot cross a metropolitan area like Hamburg, for example, at the state borders,” he said. “We have more than 300,000 travelers a day.”
