Merkel’s latest full New Years speech: “The virus hits us where we are most human” – politics


Chancellor Angela Merkel’s (CDU) last New Year’s speech is marked by the crown pandemic: in her 16th speech, broadcast on New Year’s Eve, the head of government calls on citizens to persevere.

“I think I am not exaggerating when I say: never in the past 15 years have we all found the old year so difficult,” Merkel said in her speech. “And despite all the concerns and some skepticism, we have never looked forward to the new year with such hope.”

He sees hope for the final year of his tenure, despite the stress caused by the crown pandemic. “For a few days, hope has faces: the faces of the first people who were vaccinated,” says Merkel. “There is more every day.”

Merkel described the crown pandemic as “a political, social and economic task of the century”, spoke of a “historical feat of strength” and of “difficult times for our country.” “And it will continue like this for quite some time. How to overcome this pandemic will be up to all of us for a time. Winter is and continues to be hard ”, said the head of government.

Angela Merkel: Many have outdone themselves in 2020

2020 was determined by concern and uncertainty. At the same time, many have surpassed themselves this year, “without hanging the big bells.” Merkel appointed medical staff and nurses, employees of the health authorities and members of the Bundeswehr.

“Countless people have contributed to making our lives possible despite the pandemic: in supermarkets and in freight transport, in post offices, on buses and trains, in police stations, in schools and kindergartens, in the churches, in the newsrooms “said the chancellor.

[Alle aktuellen Entwicklungen in Folge der Coronavirus-Pandemie finden Sie hier in unserem Newsblog. Über die Entwicklungen speziell in Berlin halten wir Sie an dieser Stelle auf dem Laufenden.]

And she is “always grateful for how disciplined most people wear their masks, for how they try to keep their distance.” “For me, this expresses what life in a philanthropic society makes possible: consideration for others, the perception of recovering from time to time, the awareness of common sense,” Merkel said.

Chancellor: “cynical and cruel” conspiracy theories

However, “there is nothing to overlook,” continues Merkel. “These are difficult times for our country, and they will be for a long time.” Winter will be harsh and everyone must do their part to contain the pandemic.

Merkel explicitly criticizes the “incorrigibles” who denied the virus. Conspiracy theories are “not only false and dangerous,” they are also “cynical and cruel” towards those who have lost loved ones in the pandemic. (AFP, EPD)
