Merkel warns the CDU: “We are facing very, very difficult months” – politics


“Hi, I’m Jens Spahn.” The Federal Minister of Health reports by video of the quarantine at home, the CDU politician who has Covid-19 is doing well so far. It is one more appeal to citizens: “We are all more important than ever”; “Is seriously”; “Do not listen to those who trivialize and appease.”

Around the same time, thousands of people demonstrated in and around Berlin’s Alexanderplatz against the measures of the state crown, without masks.

It is a clear minority, but the problem that politicians cannot control: the number of infections continues to rise, and not only in Berlin the health authorities are increasingly overloaded with making contacts.

Analysis of the movement profiles clearly shows that many citizens are not reducing their number of contacts and many are simply tired of the warnings. Over the weekend, the chancellor even repeated her urgent appeal in a podcast a week earlier.

Opponents of state crown protection measures demonstrate without masks in BerlinPhoto: DAVIDS / Sven Darmer

Decision week

And so it will be a week of decision; Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of government of the federal states are expected to interconnect again, as Merkel will make a government statement on Thursday in the Bundestag on the situation of Corona, clarification beforehand could make sense. As Merkel feared in mid-October, the measures taken recently do not appear to be enough.

“We are facing very, very difficult months,” Merkel said according to a “Bild” report in a conversation with the leaders of the Union factions of the federal states on Sunday night. The upcoming prime minister’s conference on October 30 gives him “not a good feeling.” “It can’t go on like this,” he said. They assume that “the number of infections will continue to increase dramatically.”

According to the information in the image, Merkel sees vacation travel as a deciding factor: “It happened through vacation travel,” the tabloid quoted the chancellor as saying. It also assumes that no major events abroad are expected until at least February.

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach warns of a hard lockdown.Photo: imago images / Political-Moments

Failure of Merkel’s appeals policy?

“Decisions need to be made this week, that’s very clear,” said SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach in an interview with the Tagesspiegel.

“We have doubled the number of intensive care patients in ten days. It works like clockwork, like something out of an epidemiology textbook. ” The point is to do something quickly to avoid a second crash. “We have enough evidence that the appeals are no longer enough.”

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The Chancellor podcasts alone are not enough, although they are absolutely correct in terms of theme and tone. So far, there have been no images of overcrowded intensive care units and people are partly tired, “when it comes to measurements and because there are always wildfires that pretend there is a third way,” Lauterbach emphasizes. “As if wearing masks is enough, keep your distance and don’t go to the Turkish wedding and ventilate properly.”

With his experience as a former epidemiologist, he has also become an important advisor to the federal and state governments, especially now at this stage. “The difference in the first wave was the dramatic images of Italy, which led us to a high level of discipline as well,” he says. Almost all of his prophecies came true, even if he was initially cursed as Cassandra of the ministry. “I probably wish, more than anyone, I was wrong. I’d rather be discredited and agree to live with it. “

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What to do? Chancellor Angela Merkel is very concerned about the dynamics of the infection.Photo: imago images / Jens Schicke

Contact restrictions as an option

What options are still possible now? Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) refers in a mantra to reducing contacts: restrictions at the national level, for example, to only five people, would be an option. This could, according to the outbreak and as discussed in the Berlin Senate, go hand in hand with a renewed closure of gastronomy, as the Berchtesgadener Land district has already ordered.

Since the outbreak is very high and dynamic almost everywhere, unlike the first wave, it makes sense to go back to clearer and more uniform rain across the country. Since the contact tracing system no longer works with so many infections, Charité virologist Christian Drosten has suggested targeting clusters of outbreaks – that is, looking only for contacts that can infect many more: colleagues at work or guests. to a party. “Rather than doing a lot of testing and in an undirected way, Japan decided from the beginning to avoid streaming clusters.

To this end, the state has drawn up lists of typical social situations in which clusters of transmission arise, “suggested Drosten in” Die Zeit. ” Furthermore, it brings into play a more age-specific consideration of new infections (“incidence over 50”), in order to trigger grievances, particularly when many older citizens are at risk; In addition, further tests for visitors at the entrance to nursing homes and nursing homes could be helpful.

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Jeden Morgen ab 6 Uhr berichten Chefredakteur Lorenz Maroldt und sein Team im Tagesspiegel-Newsletter Checkpoint über die aktuellsten Entwicklungen rund um das Coronavirus. Jetzt kostenlos anmelden:]

The three candidates for the federal presidency of the CDU, Norbert Röttgen, Armin Laschet and Friedrich Merz, struggle with when and how …Photo: dpa

No attendance conference planned

It will also be a decision week for the CDU. On Sunday, the party’s closest leadership discussed whether the party congress scheduled for December 4 should take place and, if so, how. As the German press agency found out on Sunday evening after a good five hours of deliberation, no CDU party convention will be held in early December to elect a new party chairman.

Many in the party did not think that it was possible to reduce the contacts and then around 1000 delegates from all over Germany travel to the event. A framework for the further course of action has been discussed, which party leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will now present to the CDU committees on Monday. Details were not initially known.

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) had previously spoken in favor of another postponement until next year, his opponent Friedrich Merz, according to a Forsa poll with 45 percent as the clear favorite, at least among the members of the CDU, had a decision in throbbing this year.

According to party circles, CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak has developed a model of a decentralized party congress: only around 100 delegates could meet in eight to ten locations and cast their votes on the spot via the ballot box.

It’s clear to everyone that prolonged self-employment or open discussions about how to deal with people’s concerns about the Corona situation would not go well. Above all, citizens want to know what the plan is for Corona’s difficult fall. (with dpa)
