Merkel wants Corona brake “hard but short”: tighter contact restrictions increasingly likely – politics


In the crown pandemic, Germany is heading for new restrictions on public life: according to information from the “Handelsblatt” of the coalition circles, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to convince the prime ministers of tough measures during the conference exchange rate scheduled for Wednesday to avoid a loss of control to the rapid to prevent the rise of new corona infections.


the Contact rules should squeeze, Bars and restaurants closed as well as the Sports and leisure area to turn off.

According to information from Handelsblatt, the Foreign Ministry is convinced that a “short and clear” brake should be applied. This is the only way to avoid a prolonged lockdown like the one in the spring, which would have devastating effects on the economy.

The magnitude of the new restrictions in everyday life will depend on the decisions of the Bund-Länder group. At the Chancellery, however, they have a clear idea of ​​the measures that are required: you have to be tough in gastronomy Y at events. It is also important that the meeting send a unified message to reduce private contacts.

The increase in infections must be stopped urgently. The situation is “very dynamic” and “dramatic”.

According to online information from “Focus”, the internal name of the considerations at the Chancellery is “Wellenbrecher-Shutdown.” According to this, all facilities that serve pleasure will be closed for the moment starting next week. This includes next to restaurants and pubs further the cultural sector such as museums or theaters.

According to these reports, Merkel apparently wanted to close schools as well, but was unable to get away with it. However, the Foreign Ministry awaits there will be a debate about schools. Educational institutions should remain open as much as possible, but in high-risk areas, consider regional closures as well.

Studies and data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show that there is a process of infection in schools. The children would then become “bridges of infection” that could transmit the virus from family to family.

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In view of the increasing number of infections, Merkel had appealed to citizens on several occasions, her restrict social contacts and thus slow the spread of the virus. In the Chancellor’s view, appeals are no longer enough.

On Monday night a crucial preliminary meeting took place at the Chancellery. The Chancellor took a very tough line, he said. You couldn’t speak of a “lock light”. Merkel, previous bans and regulations in the federal states did not go far enough.


In a draft of a proposed resolution, which is being discussed in the countries led by the SPD plus Thuringia and which is at the disposal of “Spiegel”, there is talk of a “gradual closure of public and economic life”. This might be necessary if all other measures were not enough to slow the spread of the virus.

The so-called A countries round document, which is still in the drafting stage, states that overall, employment should remain possible to avoid far-reaching consequences beyond the pandemic. For this, it is important to keep schools and nurseries open.

According to the draft, countries should include the following measures in their Covid-19 regulations:

until November 30 “in private households only people from two households they can meet or people from the same household and a maximum of two people outside the home. ”Children up to 12 years old should be excluded from this.

For family occasions like Funerals, weddings, christenings and the like, a maximum of 15 participants should be allowed.

If that’s not enough, the draft outlines a step-by-step approach greater closure of public life in the country. The proposed “series of closures” follows the logic of “reducing additional and unnecessary contacts, as well as initiating and stopping meetings without having to declare a complete closure with its serious economic and social consequences,” the draft says.

It is open if a majority of prime ministers will support Wednesday’s proposals. Some country leaders are reportedly going too far with the measures; others are in favor of even higher standards. As in previous meetings between prime ministers and Merkel on the crown crisis, it will be difficult to find a common line.


North Rhine-Westphalia wants to insist on new measures in deliberations. This is based on a thesis paper from the NRW Ministry of Health, which ntv is available. A priority for interrupting the current development of infections should be to “observe and implement existing rules,” the document says.

New measures are inevitable in view of current development, “but they must set aside future core areas differently than in spring.”

To achieve this goal, he suggests Prime Minister Laschet the extensive restriction of private contacts In front. He is committed to the “reintroduction of a stricter dating ban,” he said in Düsseldorf on Tuesday. “We have to drastically reduce our social contacts.”

Most of the new corona infections occurred “in private life,” Laschet justified his claim. Ultimately, several people should only meet if necessary “to maintain public life.”

However, Laschet pointed out that it was not the political decisions that were decisive, but “the behavior of the people.”

A full short term Lockdown for seven days as requested by some politicians, Laschet refused. This approach would cause great harm and no one could say for sure whether the situation would actually improve afterwards. “I think the slowdown in November is more specific.”

The thesis work also suggests a closing of Sports and leisure activities in closed rooms before, a ban on Contact sports, prohibition of events, fairs and congresses and prohibition of “special and annual markets”. Weekly markets serving the food supply must be exempted from the ban.

Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) announced one for your country Upper limit of 10 participants for all areas, also outdoors, in the next three weeks. These contact restrictions would apply regardless of Wednesday’s results, he stressed.

The federal vice president of the CDU Thomas strobl calls for a further worsening of the crown situation Good one week lock in Germany.

“If the numbers continue to develop like this, then we have to look for measures, for example that we close everything once a week, that nothing works from Friday to Sunday during the week,” the Baden-Württemberg resident Minister of the Interior told the news portal “The Pioneer”.

When asked if the closure would also affect schools, daycare centers and stores, Strobl said: “Everything is everything.” That also means Border traffic restrictions.

Strobl argued that this could stop the infection. The advantage of this “very, very difficult” solution would be the time limit. The CDU politician also emphasized that Christmas business and a Christmas time together with the family would be possible again.

Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff the public agrees with more restrictions. However, this should be limited in time, says the CDU politician. He hoped that a sensible solution would be found during the deliberations.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder pleads for one Transition from local and regional restrictions to combat the pandemic to measures at the national level. Due to the increasing number of hotspots, this threshold is approaching, says Söder after a cabinet meeting in Munich. He expected the prime minister’s conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday to decide “not half measures, but an effective concept.”

Thuringia Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) it does not want to support a decision by the states on a possible new blockade. The Prime Minister’s Conference plays an important structuring task in dealing with the pandemic. “However, they should not overload this task,” declared the left-wing politician.

Ramelow advocates strengthening parliaments to deal with pandemics. It rejects a procedure at the Prime Minister’s Conference, “in which draft resolutions presented at very short notice” with particularly intrusive measures such as curfews, contact bans and the imposition of a lockdown must be negotiated and decided. (with dpa (Reuters / AFP)
