Merkel on Coronavirus: Dramatic Video Message to Germany: “Stay Home!”


The corona virus is spreading in Germany, new measures have already been ordered. Now Chancellor Merkel speaks and is clear. Markus Söder reaffirms the Chancellor’s message.

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel log into the Coronavirus pandemic urgently to speak.
  • Calls citizens to Stay at home and limit contacts as much as possible (see first report of October 17).
  • Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) harshly attacks Merkel after this video message, and she herself is attacked for it (see update of October 19 at 9:39 am).
  • You can find them here basic facts about coronavirus*. You can also see the latest here Numbers of cases in Germany as a card *. The most important information is also available on our Corona News Facebook page.

October 19 update, 9:39 am: In a three-way round table with the vice president of the FDP Wolfgang Kubicki, CSU * Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer and SPD health expert * Karl Lauterbach the rags flew into the crisis of the crown. Kubicki threw the chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU *) not only in front of them with your video message (see update of October 18 at 9.30 am) yet “Act of despair” was carried away, but rather exaggerated the drama of the situation due to a Overload the healthcare system Germany is, in his opinion, “miles away.”

“In this sense, we must focus on the measures that really make sense and not on the population in Fear and hate relocate, “Kubicki criticized Sunday night in a live talk with the image-The editorial staff. Statements that made Scheuer the FDP politician Conspiracy theories to accuse: “I don’t know if Mr. Kubicki wears an aluminum helmet.” Lauterbach agreed with him. Merkel’s warning was given nationwide high R value * absolutely appropriate.

She is criticized for her Corona video appeal: Chancellor Angela Merkel


Update on October 18 at 7:20 pm.: With a dramatic one Video message wanted to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) people in Germany on a responsible course over the weekend Crown-Krise swear in. But there is review on the actions of the head of government.

“If the chancellor sees a drama like this, she has to immediately present a statement from the government,” he complained. Head of FDP Christian Lindner in the Picture on sunday. “A podcast does not replace the debate in the Bundestag when it comes to fundamental rights.” In general, the way in which Merkel and the Prime Minister work is criticized, including in the Union and the SPD.

Merkel heads to Germany with dramatic video message: now Söder steps forward

Update on October 18, 2020 at 9.30 am.: It was dramatic Appeal, he Angela Merkel Saturday in one Video message addressed to the people. after the Crown numbers had literally exploded in Germany in recent days, the court Chancellor Clear words to all fellow citizens: “Refrain from any trip that is not really necessary, any celebration that is not really necessary. Please stay home whenever possible at your place of residence. ”

the pandemic I also want to control myself as quickly as possible Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. After this Bayern was particularly affected numerically in recent days, explained Söder Photo on Sunday: “The situation is serious. If we do not take countermeasures quickly, Crown out of control. If you doubt you risk a second Emergency shutdown“Clarified the Prime Minister.” Care, caution and solidarity have never been more important than now. ”

Merkel addresses citizens in video: “Stay home” – dramatic message emerged

Update on October 17, 2020 at 5:40 p.m.: That yourself Angela Merkel (CDU) He would express very excited in his video message on Saturday, it had already emerged in recent days. It had already become very clear on Wednesday after the conference with the prime ministers. And she replied Thursday too Summit inquiries in Brussels: “The question of how we can get out of this pandemic comes out who decides who Health of many
People. That decides on the question: How many people have to die? And ours also decides economic efficiency. “

Angela Merkel (CDU) on Corona’s situation in Germany: Corona’s traffic lights are already red in many places

First report on October 17, 2020 at 12:16 p.m.: Berlin – On Wednesday they had State leaders and federal politicians suitable after a tough conference. New measures, similar at the national level, will be implemented again Stopping the spread of the coronavirus *. The uniform strict line is clear. the Development of the corona pandemic in Germany makes them necessary.

The introduced Corona traffic light * is red in many places. But that means curfew, restaurant closures, and a ban on alcohol. no exit restrictions. At least not yet. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has already indicated that he does not want to rule out a second lockdown. The second wave * it can no longer be denied, he added.

Coronavirus in Germany: Merkel’s unequivocal appeal: “Meet significantly fewer people”

Well speak Chancellor Angela Merkel * and it dramatically addresses German citizens directly. “Meet with much less peoplewhether abroad or at home, “Merkel appeals by video”,do without any tripthat is not really necessary, in each celebrationthat’s not really necessary. “

Angela Merkel’s Coronavirus Podcast: “Stay Home Whenever You Can”

the high infection rates He had the Federal Government and the Chancellor on Saturday to publish the podcast. “You are welcome stay home whenever possible, in your place of residence ”, requires Angela Merkel and at the same time shows compassion: “I know that doesn’t just sound harsh, in individual cases that is also a serious waiver. “

The “relatively relaxed summer” is over, the Chancellor explains, and Germany is now in a “very severe phase of the corona pandemic“. “We are now difficult months before ”, his serious perspective.

Merkel’s Call: Avoid Uncontrolled Spread: “We have to go further now”

That is why the dispensation must be made now so that the health system, schools, nurseries, the economy and employment do not suffer even more. “We have to do everything now so that the virus does not spread uncontrollably. Every day counts“Merkel says,” So what can each and every one of us do to ensure that the numbers go down again? Much, most simply because each and every one of them constantly maintain the minimum distance, wear mouth and nose protection, and adhere to hygiene rules. But we have to go further now.

According to Angela Merkel, this means: “If each of us has encounters outside of our own family for a time significantly reduced, then you can succeed in the trend of more and more Stop and reverse infections. “Consideration and common sense are the most effective means to combat the pandemic, the Chancellor concluded in her urgent appeal. (moe) * is part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network.

Rubriklistenbild: © Michele Tantussi / dpa
