Merkel: “It will depend on all of us for a long time”


In her speech, the Chancellor makes a call to remain in solidarity in the fight against the corona pandemic in 2021. She awaits vaccines and strongly condemns conspiracy theorists.

In her New Year’s speech, Chancellor Angela Merkel continued to call for cohesion in the fight against the corona virus and thanked the people. “It will still be up to all of us for a long time to find out how we overcome this pandemic,” the CDU policy said, according to a text previously published in her allegedly last New Year’s speech as head of government. “The most effective means, in addition to the vaccine, are in our own hands if we adhere to the rules, each and every one of us.” She is always grateful for how disciplined most people wear masks and tries to keep her distance.

Merkel thinks of Corona-Tote

The Chancellor emphasized that at the end of a “breathless year” it was also important to pause and cry. “As a society we must not forget how many have lost a loved one without being able to be close to them in the last hours.” She can only guess how bitter you must feel for these people when the virus is denied and denied by some incorrigible people. “Conspiracy theories are not only false and dangerous, they are also cynical and cruel to these people.”

The vaccines that have now started gave hope to the elderly, their nurses, and staff in intensive care units. “There are more every day, gradually other age groups and occupations will be added, and then everyone who wants it,” Merkel said.

“Risk of division in the company”

The start of vaccination last weekend also sparked a debate about the extent to which vaccinated people should be treated differently than those who were not. “Preferential treatment for those who have been vaccinated carries the risk of dividing society. We must not create a gap between those who have already been vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated,” said Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU ) of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Thursday).

The former leader of the Union parliamentary group, Friedrich Merz, who is running for the presidency of the CDU, wants to give more freedom to people vaccinated with the crown. In general, a constantly growing population group of vaccinated, healthy and convalescent people cannot be denied basic rights because a smaller and smaller group is still at risk of contracting the virus, Merz told the media group’s newspapers. Funke (Thursday). Norbert Röttgen, who is also running for the CDU presidency, told the “Welt” (Thursday): “Of course you have to draw conclusions if someone can no longer endanger others. When the practical issues have been resolved and restrictions are not objective. There are more reasons, then they should be canceled. “

It is currently unclear to what extent a corona vaccination protects not only against the disease itself, but also other people from infection due to the lack of risk of infection from vaccinated people. Vaccine maker Biontech doesn’t expect research results on this until February.

More than 1,000 dead in one day

The number of deaths reported in relation to the coronavirus in Germany surpassed the 1,000 mark for the first time on Wednesday and thus reached a maximum. German health authorities reported 1,129 new deaths to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 22,459 new infections were reported. From RKI’s point of view, the daily high is probably also due to late registrations. “The most plausible explanation is that there are late reports of deaths,” RKI chief Lothar Wieler said in Berlin on Wednesday.

Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier has appealed to the common sense of citizens on New Year’s Eve with a view to Corona’s figures. “The faster the contagion figures go down, the faster our economy will rise again,” the CDU politician told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Thursday). “Therefore, we must be very careful during the next few days and especially during New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve and celebrate only in the closest circle, because otherwise we not only endanger the health of our fellow men, but also our economy. “

Laboratories must digitally report positive corona test results to health authorities at the start of the new year. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) told dpa: “In this way, chains of infection can be traced and interrupted more quickly.” The time when evidence of new infections was faxed and then manually transferred to office systems is definitely over.
