Merkel in paralysis of the crown? The man from the CDU calculates brutally: “There is an area, Mrs. Chancellor …”


Angela Merkel recently showed her unknown side. In press conferences in particular, the chancellor gave a picture of her that was unknown. You have to worry

  • Angela Merkel * has been Federal Chancellor for more than 15 years.
  • In the fight against corona *, she recently seemed a bit exhausted.
  • This was particularly evident in recent federal-state summits.

Berlin – held on November 22 Angela Merkel a special anniversary. On this day 15 years ago, the CDU politician was called Chancellor* sworn. There are more and more people in the country who do not know any other head of government than the 66-year-old. Towards the end of his fourth term Merkel But now he faces special challenges.

Angela Merkel: Corona’s approval for chancellor still given

the Corona-Pandemie The year 2020 will be decisive. The government faced important decisions, especially in spring and now, in winter. So far, the population has relied on the work of Merkel and the prime minister. In the current ZDF polybarometer from November 13, 85 percent of respondents assume Germany overcome the pandemic quite well in the coming months. The approval ratings of the country’s top politicians say Merkel also still on top.

The federal government’s approval ratings are currently at a very high level. The Germans seem satisfied with the fact that the grand coalition is facing the pandemic.

© Screenshot ZDF

Despite current anti-government demonstrations around Merkel the general public still seems to receive support. However, the chancellor has changed a bit in recent weeks. Is the 66-year-old man running out of strength? A few weeks ago he firmly rejected a journalist’s question. How would the chancellor react if someone asked her about her mood today?

Angela Merkel Looks Tired: Is the ‘Crown Chancellor’ Running Out of Breath?

The head of government continuously reports on the current situation Pandemiegeschehen* and the resulting measurements. Be it on your personal podcast or at the countless press conferences. After lengthy, and by no means easy, negotiations with the Prime Minister Merkel Question and answer and explain the new changes. In the past, I always did it wisely, soberly, and confidently.

Since fall and again Increase in the number of infections. make the Chancellor although a little exhausted. Meanwhile, it may happen that Merkel tangled * or – like last Wednesday – can’t think of a word. What should be considered for children in schools? The measures include, Merkel explained at the press conference, wearing a mask, keeping my distance and … “There’s one thing I’m missing after all these hours,” she openly admits, only to be whispered about “hygiene rules. ” shortly after. “Yes, it’s true, thank you.” These small errors are not typical. Then you stand out.

Angela Merkel: During the negotiations “not a word was spoken for more than an hour”

While the Crown numbers the political tone grew harsher. The previous federal-state meeting ended largely unsuccessful. The one of Merkel The single contact restriction that was put into play has been discarded and, according to the Chancellor Furthermore, it “rightly sparked criticism.” On Wednesday the negotiations again lasted more than seven hours. At least now there is clarity on the measures for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. However, they are evolving Bund-Länder Summit to a political ordeal and exhaust the chancellor.

Appointed Wednesday Merkel a 15 minute break after a few hours. To clear our minds. Certainly useful, but at the same time a novelty. In general, the Bund-Länder Summit Better than the previous. However, at the end of the day, the negotiations have not only adapted changes, but also personal footprints. Angela Merkel leave. Meanwhile, she “has not spoken a word in over an hour,” reported one of the summit participants. image.

In her declaration of government on Thursday morning, the chancellor went back to work tired And I got tangled up from time to time He also had to meet shortly after his important speech. Criticism from within listens. “There is an area, Miss Chancellor, that is not in order …” he emphasized Unionfraktionschef Ralph Brinkhaus.

The man, who has helped organize Merkel’s majorities in the Bundestag since 2018, complained that the Bund-Länder-Round decides on spending and then “presents the bill.” Brinkhaus also complained that Merkel’s group had “lost two weeks” recently and that Christmas relaxation was taking a risk. Even after the speech, the CDU politician continues to gain prominence in his party.

Angela Merkel: “Patience, solidarity and discipline will be tested again”

Sure you should see the behavior of the Chancellor don’t overestimate. Ultimately, the pandemic, which has been going on for nine months, is also eating away at the head of government. It is no different for her than for some parts of the population. In the ZDF polybarometer, twelve or 35 percent of respondents said Crown emphasize “a lot” or “a lot.”

General supports Merkel in a delicate situation. She has already gone down in history as the “Chancellor of the Crown.” However, it has long been clear that CDU politician He will no longer run in the next federal elections. Has the pandemic been fought by then, Ms. Merkel? “Patience, solidarity and discipline will be tested again.” The same can probably be said for the Chancellor’s state of mind. (as) * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers
