Merkel in Corona: “As long as we don’t have a vaccine, that will apply”


Germany Merkel on the situation of the crown

“The pandemic will not go away until we really have a vaccine”

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Merkel – “It will not disappear until we have a vaccine”

The “Crown Cabinet” discussed the situation in Germany. How long will the current restrictions apply? Chancellor Merkel sees only one option without a vaccine: “Living with the virus.”

Angela Merkel has asked citizens to adhere to the Crown measures also at Easter. Current figures would give hope, but one must remain consistent. Some things would have to be done “until there is a vaccine.”

BChancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) causes the current crown figures to spread “cautious hope.” “I don’t want to hide the fact that not too long ago I was concerned if we would have to tighten our measures,” Merkel said Thursday at the Berlin Chancellery. However, this is not currently required. “The increase stabilizes slightly.”

“We cannot be reckless now,” emphasized Merkel. “I also know for myself. You have a little hope, then you gain confidence, then you are more relaxed inside and then you are a little reckless.”

He appealed to the citizens to continue adhering to the measures adopted for social distancing. There would be restrictions “for a long time”. It was still important to protect people for whom the coronavirus could be a deadly danger.

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FILE - May 2, 2018, North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster: A midwife is scanning the belly of a woman who is nine months pregnant. The German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) warns of caesarean sections, which are due to the crisis of the crown. (To dpa

Merkel also spoke carefully about a possible relaxation of the measures. “We want to return to our normal life someday,” said Merkel. Therefore, one should “continue to review within one to two weeks” what changes are possible. A very important evaluation of this will be a study by Leopoldina scientists, to be published on Monday or Tuesday.

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However, it is already clear that some measures, such as keeping a distance and avoiding shaking hands, should be applied until there is a coronavirus vaccine. Merkel swore that people “live with the virus.” “Even if the numbers improve someday, (the pandemic) will not go away until we really have a vaccine that we can immunize the population with.” And also: “I would like to be really happy and who would tell you that everything was like this and that we could start again, but it is not like that.

Health Minister Spahn is considering easing after Easter

There was a “ray of hope,” Merkel said Thursday in a video conference by parliamentary group CDU and CSU, according to participants. So far, the chancellor has been cited for having done well enough not to overload the health system. For example, it now takes longer to double the number of infected people.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) believes that the first easing of stringent crown protection measures is possible after the Easter holidays. You can only talk about a gradual reduction in conditions if you observe the above restrictions during the holidays, he said in Berlin on Thursday. On Good Friday, stricter regulations for entry into Germany come into force, which, if ignored, could lead to heavy fines.

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With nearly 110,000 people infected in Germany, there are now more than 50,000 healthy people, Spahn said. “The number of recently reported infections is stabilizing,” he added. There is more than a linear increase in new infections. Furthermore, more than 10,000 intensive care beds are free in Germany.

Merkel expects an agreement between euro countries

Merkel expects an agreement in the euro group of countries on multimillion-dollar aid for Italy and Spain, among others, later in the day. Merkel referred to the aid discussed under the European Stabilization Mechanism (ESM), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and a European fund for short-term labor benefits. That adds up to “a few billion,” and he hopes “they can be decided today.”
