Merkel hopes vaccines will defeat coronavirus


Updated on December 5, 2020, 9:24 pm

  • Vaccines should end the corona pandemic in Germany.
  • However, it is still unclear whenThe first corona vaccines are yet to come.
  • And when it comes to the question of whether the virus can be defeated by the new vaccines, not everyone is so sure.

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Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) expects one Victory over that Coronavirus due to vaccines planned soon. However, it wouldn’t be a matter of a few months, Merkel said in her video podcast released on Saturday.

“After more than nine months of the pandemic, we are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,” said the chancellor. One or more vaccines are expected to be available very soon. “Then we can beat the virus step by step.”

Due to delays in establishing the vaccine supply chain of the German company Biontech and the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer, there are fewer doses of vaccine than expected in the first weeks, as the federal Minister of Health said on Friday, Jens Spahn (CDU) in Berlin. If approval is granted, the first vaccines in Germany can be expected by the end of the year.

Mass vaccines starting in the summer of 2021

Spahn promised massive vaccinations for the summer. “Starting today, I am very optimistic that there will be mass vaccinations at the latest in summer,” he told the “T-online” news portal. It assumes that then it will also be possible to vaccinate “nationally” in doctors’ offices. When asked if Germany had ended the worst in the fall, Spahn replied: “If as many as possible take advantage of the vaccination offer: yes.”

In general there are five candidates in vaccine developmentthat with a “certain probability” it would be approved in the middle of the year. In addition to developments from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna, Spahn also included products from Curevac, Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Millions of German citizens could already be immune to vaccines in the spring. At the end of March, “11 million cans of Biontech are realistic for Germany.”

the The German Foundation for Patient Protection, however, warned against false hopes to a victory over the virus through vaccines. “It is important that as many people as possible get vaccinated,” board member Eugen Brysch of the German press agency said on Saturday. “This makes it easier to live with the virus.” The possibilities and goals of vaccines are clear: much less severe disease and fewer people dying from and with the virus. “The simplifications will not take us any further in the public discussion on the vaccination campaign,” Brysch said. The federal government must be careful about this. “Because even the message ‘Those who are vaccinated cannot get COVID-19 and are immune’ is not correct”Brysch said.

Rules for corona vaccination

The coalition had stipulated by law that the federal government through regulations Rules for corona vaccination can configure. The risk groups, that is, the elderly and the sick, the employees of the health service and in the central areas of the services of general interest are already mentioned in this law.

The German Ethics Council, the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences and the Standing Commission on Vaccination of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) had announced a more precise definition of this prioritization for the period until the end of the year.

According to a draft of the Scientific Services of the Bundestag The vaccination rules by law are not correct. The document available to the dpa states: “The prevailing vision must be approved, according to which the prioritization of certain population groups in terms of access to vaccines requires a formal law that regulates at least the essential criteria for the distribution of a vaccine limited”.

Finally, the Federal Constitutional Court held that, in particular, the relevance of a measure for fundamental rights was decisive for it to be regulated by a formal law. The possibility of obtaining vaccine protection against the cause of the COVID-19 disease is of enormous relevance for the entire population, since everyone is affected equally by the risk of contagion and the consequent restrictions in daily life, according to the preparation of the PDF. -Faction requested by Vice President Stephan Thomae. Thomae warned that the Bundestag should not “again be demoted to a mere spectator.”

The draft of the Federal Ministry of Health for a “Ordinance on the right to vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus”, is currently voting within the government. (dpa / mf)

The federal government wants to regulate vaccination against the coronavirus by regulation. According to experts, this is not the right way to go.
