Merkel explains the new rules of the crown: “We are not powerless” – internal policy


On Wednesday, the country’s leaders and the chancellor decided in a marathon of dispute of almost eight hours, new measures tougher crown for next month.

The day after the decision, the implementation should continue: Angela Merkel (66, CDU) made her government statement for the first time in the Bundestag on Thursday morning. The Chancellor said militantly:

“We have it in hand. We are not powerless! ”

He knows that it is a renewed effort so that all citizens have to fight again against the spread of the coronavirus and accept the restrictions: “Winter will be difficult,” he said. “But it will end.”

While the chancellor explained the previous day’s decisions in her nearly 30-minute speech, she also spoke about the mask requirement, Christmas, and the hope that the first vaccine will be approved soon in Germany.

Merkel in …

… the mask requirement: “The use of masks reduces the risk of infection, it is a protection.” However, this does not offer “any guarantee that there will be no infection” if there are not at least FFP2 masks. It has a “duty to inform, we must not lull people into a false sense of security.” In the end, the “more distance is better” mask.

► … Christmas: Everyone has to “find out” for himself whether to exhaust the maximum possibilities at Christmas (celebration with up to 10 people). In addition, Merkel proclaimed “protection week” BEFORE Christmas. Family members could isolate themselves first and then celebrate with older family members.

… the hope of the vaccine: “The vaccines may arrive before Christmas, and we have agreed that these vaccines will then be offered to people who work in the medical and nursing fields.” The problem cannot be solved “immediately”, but there is “light at the end of the tunnel”.

► … restrictions in Germany: “We don’t see what a so-called lockdown really is and what it actually includes, we can consider ourselves lucky, but, I mean that, now we are clearly seeing a decline in numbers in some of our neighboring countries, at their very rapid pace.

… the effect of partial blocking: “Today we were able to determine: 40 percent fewer new infections, the” dramatic exponential growth “has stopped. But that is NOT all clear and is NOT a reason to relax discussions. Because: “Now the number of cases has stagnated at a high level, too high a level.” So the worst “has been prevented so far. This is a first hit. But it is not yet a sustainable success ”.

… on the suggestion to isolate risk groups: “There are 27 million people. Therefore, no one should pretend that vulnerable groups can be protected in a country when there are 27 million people and that they are simply somehow removed from the public domain. That won’t work for us and I don’t think it’s ethically justifiable – having said that CLEARLY. “

Resolutions will be implemented on December 1

The day before, Merkel had given a positive balance to the seven-hour Prime Minister’s Conference. “We came to a good end in difficult conditions,” Merkel said. The exponential increase in new infections was broken, a partial success. “Under no circumstances could we be satisfied with that,” said the Chancellor after a long evening.

The goal now is to bring the seven-day incidence back to below 50, so that health authorities can again understand the chains of infection. He reiterated this request on Thursday in the Bundestag.

A big and difficult task – it’s currently at 140, and it’s only going down VERY slowly.

The resolutions passed by the Prime Minister’s Conference will apply from December 1 (Tuesday), but first the state parliaments must pass them quickly. That is why politicians are meeting today in various federal states.

► In NRW, Baden-Württemberg and Brandenburg, among others, heads of government will report to their parliaments on the new measures on Thursday morning, and Crown cabinets will meet in Hesse and Bavaria. A crown summit is scheduled for Friday in Saxony and Saturday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

That happens in the crown hot spots

For corona hotspots with a seven-day incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, even stricter measures can be applied than before. What these are is at the discretion of the countries. The incidence value of more than 200 currently affects the city of Berlin (as a unit) and 62 other districts.

And that means: Now there are only five days left to prepare new stricter measures:

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (55, SPD), who also led the Prime Minister’s Conference on Wednesday at the Chancellery, said in the evening: “We are in a situation where life and death are really at stake in many areas “.

The Senate will hold a special session on Thursday. Müller announced a longer discussion on the implementation of new measures. In Berlin, strict rules now threaten, crown numbers have been consistently high there for weeks.

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The next Prime Minister’s Conference is scheduled for December 2.

Chancellery Minister: Possible restrictions until March

Foreign Minister Helge Braun (48, CDU) said Thursday that citizens may have to be prepared for the restrictions until March.

“Difficult winter months await us. That goes until March, ”he said on the RTL program“ Guten Morgen Deutschland ”. With the increasing number of vaccinations in the spring, little by little it will be easier to keep the situation under control.
