Merkel appeals to citizens: “Please stay home”


New corona infections in Germany peaked at 7,830 for the third day in a row. Chancellor Merkel speaks of a “very serious phase” and calls for contacts and travel to be restricted.

In view of the further increase in the number of corona infections in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel has made an urgent appeal to citizens. On his weekly podcast, he called for the number of contacts outside the family to be limited and travel behavior to be significantly restricted. “I ask you: Refrain from any travel that is not really necessary, any celebration that is not really necessary. Please stay home, whenever possible, in your place of residence.”

Germany is in a “very serious phase of the corona pandemic,” Merkel added. The spread of the corona virus is “faster than at the beginning more than six months ago.” Now every day counts. In this situation, it is no longer enough to keep your distance and wear a mask. “We have to go further now. Science tells us clearly: the spread of the virus depends directly on the number of contacts and encounters each of us has.”

Consideration and reason as “the most effective means”

Germany has weathered the pandemic comparatively well so far because the people stick together and have followed the rules out of consideration and common sense. “This is the most effective remedy we currently have against the pandemic. Now it is more necessary than ever.” The relatively relaxed summer is over. Difficult months ahead. How winter will go will be decided in the coming days and weeks. “We all decide that through our actions,” Merkel warned.

To contain the spread of the virus, the contact persons of each infected person should be notified to break the chain of infection. The health authorities did “very well”, but when the number of infected people was too high, they could no longer keep up.

The Foreign Ministry sees the need for more helpers

The head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun, is also concerned about the ability to trace the chains of infection. He announced that he would mobilize more helpers to support municipalities in following up contacts. In addition to the Bundeswehr contingent of up to 15,000 soldiers, they are also looking to see if there are more personnel reserves in the federal government and subordinate authorities, the CDU politician told the “Rheinische Post.” He also hoped to attract a larger number of students to follow up on contacts.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder even warned of a failure to follow up on contacts. “We are about to lose control in some regions of Germany,” said the CSU chief of the “Passauer Neue Presse”. That is “extremely dangerous”. If infections can no longer be traced, as in the Netherlands, France, Spain and the Czech Republic, contacts should generally be limited, Söder explained. “That is only possible with a blockade or similar strict measures.”

Brinkhaus calls for a uniform approach

The union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus called for a national line on measures against the growing number of corona infections. Everything else is currently causing “not only great irritation in the population, but also hindering consistent and grouped action against Corona,” the CDU politician wrote in a letter to CDU and CSU members available to the public. dpa news agency.

Also, Parliament should be more closely involved, Brinkhaus demanded. The Bundestag is “exactly the right place to publicly discuss measures to combat the pandemic and also to talk about the need for adjustments.” To strengthen the support of the population, greater transparency must be ensured, said the leader of the Union group.

RKI reports 7830 new infections

The Robert Koch Institute had previously reported a record number of 7,830 new infections for the third day in a row. That’s about 500 more than yesterday and more than ever since the start of the pandemic. Last Saturday the value was 4721. Another 33 people died from or with the virus. This means that 9,767 people have died in Germany in connection with a corona infection.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 17, 2020 at 12:00 pm
