Mercedes mocks Red Bull


5:01 pm

Hamilton jokes about “party mode”

Even before the ban, Hamilton announced that Mercedes would not stop him. Apparently he was right. That is why he is making fun of it in the PK. “I don’t think we ever had a ‘party mode'”, he smiles and jokingly says, “Someone made it up. And who knows if we still use this mode in Spa?” All the little tips on Red Bull and Co.

4:51 pm

Verstappen: It’s not just about the engine

The Dutchman admits that he was not surprised by fifth place today. You had problems all weekend. “I tried all the different wing setups you can do at Monza, but in the end the lap time was the same,” he reports. You have balance and grip problems. “There are many things we have to consider,” he reflects. “You could simply say that we lack power. But that is no excuse.” clarifies.

4:40 pm

Historically bad ferrari

No Ferraris on the Monza grid in the top ten cars. It has not existed since 1984! At that time, Michele Alboreto and Rene Arnoux started from P11 and P14. By the way, it is still better than P13 and P17 this year. After all: Alboreto was second in the race from P11. That certainly won’t happen this year.

4:30 pm.

Mercedes mocks Red Bull

Who Wolff is referring to in his “one or the other competitor” statement is relatively clear. Bottas even poked fun at Red Bull in a very specific way at PK and said with a smile that he would like to know if the new rules are still that good there. Background: Red Bull hoped to close the gap with Mercedes with the new rules. In reality, however, Verstappen was 0.9 seconds behind Hamilton today. Who has the damage …

4:24 pm

Wolff: Still not satisfied after qualifying

“We will see satisfaction in the next races,” said the Mercedes team boss at ‘ORF’ and explains: “We really have some races behind us now, where we can be super happy with how it went. I think you can also be very satisfied. with today. First race after party and our differences have remained the same or even better compared to one or another competitor who may have driven this issue. “

“Now let’s see if we can do just as well in tomorrow’s race. In fact, we should be significantly faster in the race for the entire race distance. Now we can use this mode for the entire race, which we couldn’t before. But to finish we have to do it, “Wolff said.

4:18 pm

Hamilton doesn’t understand Vorsprung

Interesting statement from the world champion, who said at the top 3 press conference that he himself does not understand why the advantage over the rest of the field is so great. He had no expectations before the weekend, but he was still surprised that despite the new rules, one was so far ahead of the others. It’s the best performance Mercedes has shown at Monza so far.

4:11 pm

Vettel is upset: “maybe predictable” chaos

“I was in the middle of the field and I couldn’t do much,” the Ferrari driver shrugged. Why didn’t you go out earlier in the first quarter to avoid the traffic jam? “I’ll wait until they give me the go-ahead,” he says, holding the team accountable. “You don’t always know what’s going on. But maybe it was predictable that at the end there would be a bit of a stressful situation. That’s exactly what hit us,” he says annoyed and explains about the race: “I think we’re a little faster than cars. that surround us, but it will be difficult to regain much ground. “

4:04 pm

New record

With an average speed of 264.362 km / h, Hamilton drove the fastest Formula 1 lap of all time, and without any “party mode”. By the way, Sainz at P3 was already more than 0.8 seconds slower. It says a lot about the current balance of power in Formula 1.



Both Mercedes were able to improve again, pole for Hamilton ahead of Bottas. Second row surprise with Sainz and Pérez. Verstappen only lands on P5 and Albon on P9. Certainly Red Bull had imagined it differently. Here are the voices to rate right away, but first the usual overview:

Qualification report


Starting grid

Photos: Italian Grand Prix, Saturday

3:52 pm

Temporary post for Hamilton

After the first few attempts in Q3, the world champion is just ahead of Bottas with a 1: 19.0. But: he had a stele, his partner did not. Then that could change. Behind are Pérez, Verstappen and Sainz. Albon’s schedule was canceled.

3:42 pm

Next Ferrari leaves

A little less chaos and yet Leclerc sticks with the next Ferrari. P13 for him. Kwjat, Ocon, Räikkönen and Magnussen are also out. It was also a great disappointment for Renault. Albon is very lucky again on P10. Bottas got ahead of Hamilton with a 1: 18.952 and thus set another new record.

3:35 pm

Deeper investigations

And so it goes … Ocon, Latifi and Räikkönen have to go to the race stewards after the session. Are you going to take tougher measures in qualifying than in FT3? I’m not so sure about that.

3:32 pm

Q2: Mercedes in front

Hamilton just set a new qualifying record at Monza with a 1: 19.092. Bottas, Pérez, Sainz, Verstappen and Gasly follow. It would be an interesting starting lineup, at least from the second row. Albon is only at P10. He would have to recharge it again to be sure.

3:29 pm


This is incredible: there is no penalty for incidents in FT3, because the race management could not identify a driver who was primarily responsible for the fact that there was almost a serious accident. In other words: if everyone is fooling around, then it’s absolutely fine as long as you can’t find one main responsible person. Madness.

3:25 pm

No penalties

By the way: There were no penalties for the incidents on FT3. Let’s see how many drivers are quoted to the race stewards after qualifying …

3:19 pm

Vettel out

That was announced. Chaos in the final attempts, the conductors lock each other. That’s why no one improves behind. Grosjean, Vettel, Giovinazzi, Russell and Latifi are out.
