Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Minister of the Interior Caffier resigns | – news


Status: 11/17/2020 8:43 pm

The Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lorenz Caffier (CDU), resigns after 14 years in office. Buying a gun from a dealer with a connection to the scene on the right was the stumbling block.

In a personal statement Tuesday, Caffier cited “the unspeakable reports” on him as the reason for his move. It pains him deeply that the reports “suggest some closeness to right-wing circles.” “I can only vigorously deny this accusation,” Caffier said. However, the headlines would have burned into people’s minds. However, this hurts him deeply. He said it was “an extremely heavy burden” for him. Meanwhile, the CDU proposed the chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Torsten Renz, as Caffier’s successor. The 56-year-old former vocational school teacher first moved into state parliament in 2002.

Gun purchase early 2018

Caffier had admitted last Friday that he had bought a gun to hunt in 2018 from a trafficker who was later said to have connections to the far-right network “Nordkreuz.” Caffier had claimed that he did not know at the time of purchase. He did not learn of salesman Frank T.’s far-right efforts until May 2019, almost a year and a half after the January 2018 purchase. Caffier says he is extremely upset that, as a hunter, he has T. and not from another licensed arms dealer. have acquired. With the knowledge of 2019, he would not have bought the weapon there. The arms purchase came to light at the end of last week thanks to an investigation by the newspaper “taz”. Caffier initially described the inquiries about this as a “private matter.”

Caffier blames the reports


Photo of Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier (CDU): screenshot

6 min

The former interior minister named “rampant reports” of arms purchases as the reason for his withdrawal. 6 min

In his communication, Caffier spoke of “completely uninhibited reporting.” It is true that he acquired thick skin in the 14 years in office. But now he must “recognize that in this situation I no longer have the necessary authority to exercise with all my might the post of Interior Minister until September 2021.” The CDU politician wants to maintain his mandate in the state parliament.

Schwesig responds with respect and praises successor candidate Renz

Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) took Caffier’s resignation “with respect,” as she said in a press release that night. Caffier admitted his mistake on the gun issue. She respects that he still fears that his person will continue to be harmed and therefore resigns. Schwesig thanked Caffier for his political work for the country. You have always worked with him with confidence. She assumes that the SPD and CDU will successfully continue their work in her coalition. Regarding the proposed successor to Caffier, Schwesig said: “I have worked closely with Torsten Renz in the fight against the crown. And I am confident that this good cooperation will continue.”

CDU shows understanding for Caffier’s move


Old photo of Caffier.

3 min

The CDU politician was the interior minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for 14 years. A look back at his political legacy. 3 min

Renz paid tribute to Caffier for his decision to resign. “From a human perspective, I can absolutely understand that the last few days have left a mark on someone like Lorenz Caffier.” He hoped that “the partly unworthy discussions about Caffier will come to an end,” said the chairman of the CDU parliamentary group. The party’s state chairman, Michael Sack, said Caffier had “shaped the CDU Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania like few others.” The resignation is “understandable after the harsh accusations he has faced recently.”

Landtag SPD: a logical step

Thomas Krüger, chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament, said the resignation was “the logical and correct consequence of the contradictions raised and the unanswered questions of the past few days.” As Minister of the Interior, Caffier’s integrity was permanently in doubt. The chairman of the left-wing parliamentary group in the state parliament, Simone Oldenburg, and domestic policy spokesman Peter Ritter “took note” of Caffier’s resignation. However, questions about the purchase of weapons and the role of state and federal government authorities and services in dealing with the Nordkreuz network remained open. The leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Nikolaus Kramer, said the resignation was unnecessary:The suspicion arises that the future top candidate of the CDU will be helped here to a ministerial position to be better positioned for the electoral campaign ”.

More information

Gun dealer Frank T. during target practice.

He should have reported on the gun purchase earlier, Caffier said. He had known the vendor’s background since 2019. more

Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier at a press conference.

The prosecution recently attacked the man from whom the Interior Minister bought a pistol in 2018. more

Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, speaks with her deputy, Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier (CDU), both of whom are wearing crown masks.  © dpa-bildfunk Photo: Jens Büttner

The Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had admitted to the purchase of a weapon from a dealer in the scene on the right. more

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NDR 1 Radio MV | 11/17/2020 | 4:30 pm.

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