“Masked singer”: The female leopard poses a riddle: Detail puzzles the former candidate


The leopard still puzzles many viewers of “The Masked Singer.” Image: ProSieben / Willi Weber


“I was very sure at first”: Ex-candidate of “The Masked Singer” with theory about the leopard

With “The Masked Singer,” the conjecture of season four will soon come to an end: Tuesday night, the leopard, the turtle, the flamingo, and the dinosaur will have to reveal themselves. The turtle seems to be exposed in the first place, most viewers suspect the modern-speaking star Thomas Anders under the mask. Opinions are still divided on the leopard, and that’s because the audience may have been driven to the ice with a clever tactic throughout the season.

In the first episodes, the singer, who embodies the leopard, only sat down, then took a few steps in the most recent editions, so was the candidate celebrity injured or blind? Due to the second assumption, speculation has already led to the blind singer Joana Zimmer. Thore Schölermann, aka the monster, who was selected from the show in the semi-finals, brings up two completely different names in relation to the suit in Watson’s interview.

Thore Schölermann was the monstronaut of “The Masked Singer”. Image: dpa / Willi Weber

The former candidate had details about the leopard from “The Masked Singer” in view

Because it is indisputable that the stuffed feline is a professional singer, the guessing team suspected from the beginning of the season. Among other things, in addition to Vanessa from the No Angels, international names were also mentioned, Ruth Moschner even wanted Leona Lewis to be heard. Former candidate Thore Schölermann at least admits that the leopard has thrown it quite a bit too:

Even if Thore had a very limited field of vision on the “Masked Singer” stage due to his wardrobe, he can at least classify size, height, and small details better than the home audience. He adds: “We never know who is under the masks and suddenly you pay a lot of attention to the physique, how the person behaves, if at some point they don’t make any sound.”

Thore Schölermann has two specific singers suspected of being a leopard

Obviously, a leopard veil tactic was also consistently carried out in the Cologne television studio, as the retired presenter reminds Watson: “The look: Can he walk, can’t he? Even in the studio we didn’t realize if he can actually walk or not. So one of the most difficult masks anyway.” However, Thore can still get two concrete guesses in the interview:

Cassandra Steen has been in at least conversations several times; Meanwhile, it has been said that the R&B singer was always on stage because otherwise you could identify her by her height. The 41-year-old woman is at least 1.87 meters tall, making her relatively tall for a woman.

Joy Denalane brings Thore back into the game and the voice could fit the native Berliner well. The advice, however, leaves unanswered the question of why the leopard didn’t perform standing up on stage like all the other costumes, after all, Joy doesn’t appear to be noticeably small or big. A possible foot injury could be the explanation. Or a clever game of confusion.

Thore is also engaged to the “Masked Singer” dinosaur.

Thore has “strong suspicions” of the other three finalists. The 36-year-old doesn’t want to tip too much either, because: “I was bitterly misled during the season and then I had to realize that my safety is total nonsense.” However, it implies:

By the way, Thore himself didn’t want to rely solely on stealth tactics within the show: In fact, he drove straight home after one of his performances and posted an Instagram story with his face in the foreground and the live show on television in the background. In the end, none of this was of any use, the advisory team found out about him in the semi-finals.

The ending without a monster has something good too

By the way: there is an innovation in the ending of “The Masked Singer”. Unlike the previous three seasons, this time there are only four instead of five candidates on stage. The semi-finals were the undoing of Thore, because two masks were thrown for the first time. Otherwise, the monstronaut might even have made it to the finals.

But for Thore there is even something good that did not make it to the last show, as he laughs to Watson: “Because otherwise maybe they would have broken more than before: camera, light, stage decoration, I even bowed the presenter … Maybe the end would have prompted me to do things that should not have happened on television.”

But if there are four or five candidates in the final, he doesn’t care: “Either way, it’s a great show. I’m looking forward to the final and I’m sure it will be amazing.”Thore concluded.

“That’s bullshit”: “DSDS” candidate faces Maite Kelly in withdrawal final, with serious consequences

The current issue of “DSDS” was about the entry of candidates to live shows on RTL. At the same time, it was the last withdrawal from the casting program, which took place with Dieter Bohlen as a veteran jury. Poptitan will only be in front of the camera twice during the show. For his fellow jurors, Maite Kelly and Mike Singer, there will be no future “DSDS” either.

However, it is likely that not all candidates are sad that Maite in particular did not …

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