Mask requirement: federal police recorded 430 rapes | – news


Status: 07.12.2020 8:00 pm

During a nationwide day of action, federal police officers in Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg on Monday checked whether train passengers were wearing a mask.

The result: a total of 430 violations between 10 am and 7 pm “Typically, there are an average of 320 warnings per day, but from midnight to midnight,” said a spokesman for the federal NDR police. Monday night. Agents patrolled trains and tracks, as well as at the main stations in Bremen, Hamburg and Hannover. In Hannover, they addressed and admonished about 100 people, the spokesman continued. The background to this is the requirement for masks on trains and at train stations due to the corona pandemic.

Only a few passengers did not apologize

The reactions of the warned passengers were mostly sympathetic. “Only about one percent is unreasonable,” the spokesman said. The personal data is then recorded and transmitted to the health department. There a good procedure will begin. “Each of these 100 cases is a risk carrier,” the spokesman said.

Mandatory from six years

Also in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, security forces and official personnel are specifically looking to see if everyone on buses, trams and trains covers their mouths and noses. This is mandatory for passengers over the age of six on all local public transport buses and trains. The Federal Ministry of Transport had called the day of action.

DB Security employees and federal police officers go through a train and check if the crown-related mask requirement is met.  © picture alliance / Annette Ried Photo: Annette Ried

AUDIO: Action day: mask checks on trains and buses (3 min)

Controls on long-distance trains during December

Deutsche Bahn extends mask checks to all of December. On half of all long-distance trains, security teams made up of railroad employees and federal police are on board to indicate compliance with the mask requirement. This means that the railroad is doubling down on its controls on long-distance traffic. Daily checks on regional trains and at stations will remain unchanged.

During Christmas there will be another increase

Violations of the mask requirement in Deutsche Bahn’s long-distance traffic are now the “absolute exception,” according to director of passenger transport Berthold Huber. “To keep it that way and our customers feel even more secure, we are once again increasing controls for Christmas,” he announced. In order to offer more seats every day to maintain the minimum distance, the railway will also use special trains from December 18 to 27.

More information

DB Security employees and federal police officers go through a train and check to see if the crown-related mask requirement is being met.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Annette Ried

Those who take the train today can be checked more often. The occasion is a day of action at the national level. (07.12.2020) more

A mouth and nose mask sits on a cobblestone path.  © dpa bildfunk Photo: Kira Hofmann

More than 8,000 administrative fines have been initiated since March, most of them for violations of the mask requirement. (07.12.20202), more

Three policemen pass the Hamburg-Altona S-Bahn station.  Photo: Ingmar Schmidt

During a major inspection on local Hamburg traffic, the security forces recorded more than 650 violations of the mask requirement. (16.11.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 07.12.2020 | 12:00 o’clock

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