Mask-muffle with Covid-19 in clinic


Thomas Seitz calls the masks a “burqa for all”. In the Bundestag he appeared with a perforated cloth in front of his face. Now the man from AfD is in a clinic. Diagnosis: Covid-19.

A month ago, Thomas Seitz caused outrage in the Bundestag with a pierced mask and received a reprimand for it. You can see the scene above. Video. Now, the AfD deputy is sick with Covid-19 himself, and that is so serious that he must be treated in hospital.

His office confirmed the diagnosis Thursday. “The prognosis for a speedy recovery is favorable according to the information of the treating physicians,” he said in a statement. The 53-year-old thanked hospital staff in his hometown of Lahr in the Black Forest for their commitment. The “Lahrer Zeitung” initially reported on the disease.

The fact that the member of the Bundestag is being treated in a hospital suggests at least one more serious illness. His spokesman, however, initially told the newspaper it was just “the flu.” According to the report, Seitz is said to have officially reported that he was ill in the Bundestag.

Seitz in masks: “Burka for all”

The fact that Seitz, of all people, who has repeatedly downplayed the risk from Corona, is now sick with Covid-19, is not without a certain irony. At an event for his game in Ringsheim in late September, he said the disease was in the statistics but not in reality. Crisis management and face masks are meaningless.

Seitz worked regularly on the protection of the mouth and nose in particular. He once called the masks “Burka for all”, which only feigned protection. In the Bundestag he caused a stir in mid-November when he approached the lectern wearing an obviously pierced nose and mouth mask. After his lecture, the vice president of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth, detained him and prohibited Seitz from returning to his seat with his “leaky cloth.”

Roth finally handed her an FFP2 mask, which she took out of a sterile package with the help of a pen. Seitz complained of a “muzzle”, at which Roth threatened a fine. The mask requirement has been in effect in the Bundestag from October 6.
