Mask Affair at CSU: Commissions Should Be Higher Than Known



Status: 23.03.2021 6:01 pm

CSU politicians and various businessmen should receive a total of five to six million euros as commission for the arrangement of protective masks for the ministries. Research by Ed, WDR and “Süddeutscher Zeitung”.

By Petra Blum, Markus Grill, Arnd Henze and Lena Kampf,

Deliveries went to the Federal Ministry of Health, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Bavarian Ministry of Health: two CSU politicians and three other participants were to receive a total of five to six million euros as a commission for the acquisition of protection FFP2. More expensive. I learned that Ed, WDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” from several informants familiar with the case.

All deliveries came from a Hessian textile company, which is said to have paid commissions to a Caribbean company. It is not known how large the order was overall. The Bavarian Ministry of Health alone is said to have bought 3.5 million FFP2 and FFP3 masks at a price of just under four euros each. The masks were paid for with tax revenues.

No comment from the Nüßlein lawyer

In addition to former CSU member Georg Nüßlein and former Bavarian Justice Minister Alfred Sauter, three other participants should also benefit from the sale of masks. It involves a former industrial manager, a former CSU junior, and a lawyer. The total amount of five to six million euros should flow to the intermediaries in roughly equal parts. It is not known how much had actually flowed.

A company that is attributed to the sons of the influential CSU politician Sauter is said to have received 1.2 million euros. When the matter heated up politically, the company is said to have transferred 470,000 euros to the community foundation in Günzburg, the rest should be due to the tax authorities. Former CSU member Nüßlein is said to have raised € 660,000 through his consulting firm Tectum. Another payment of 540,000 euros, on the other hand, is said to have been stopped by a bank in Liechtenstein.

Upon request, Nüßlein’s lawyer only states that he “cannot comment on your request” at this time. Nüßlein and Sauter themselves rejected all the accusations, in particular, that they had allowed themselves to be bribed as members of parliament.

“That made people suspicious”

Even more than Nüßlein’s personality, Sauter’s personality shook the CSU. Because Sauter is considered a great promoter of the party, until a few days ago he was not only a member of the CSU presidium and the party executive committee, but also chairman of the CSU finance commission and deputy director of the association. district of Swabia. . Sauter resigned his positions in the party due to the matter.

When Sauter was asked about his secondary job years ago, he is reported to have said, “Of course I have a part-time job – a member of parliament.” In the meantime, however, the CSU majors are also keeping their distance. “The way he actively mixed things up has already made people suspicious,” said former speaker of the state parliament Alois Glück of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. “No one can say: this is some kind of outsider.”
